The Health Care section of the Platform of the Green Party opens with the following statement.
The Green Party supports single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all. We believe that health care is a right, not a privilege.
Our current health care system lets tens of thousands of people die each year by excluding them from adequate care, while its exorbitant costs are crippling our economy. The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without a national health care system.
Below are articles and press releases detailing support for single payer from the national, state & local parties, and our candidates.
Jul 22, 2021

HOUSTON – Join Green Party of Texas (GPTX) candidate for Governor, Delilah Barrios, on Saturday July 24th between 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., at the Medicare 4 All March in Austin at 1100 Congress Ave. Help us tell lawmakers that we will not rest until we have a universal, single-payer healthcare system!
As 2022 approaches, GPTX is calling for candidates for ALL ballot positions. We will hold a Prospective Candidate Information event on August 28, so please attend to have your questions answered.
Jun 30, 2021

You can help win Single-Payer Healthcare. Zoom Discussion on July 10th
On Thursday, June 24, 2021, the Administrative Committee of the Green-Rainbow Party passed by consensus a motion to join the Mass-Care Coalition in support of H.R.1194, https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/H1194, a bill that will bring a single-payer medical system to Massachusetts.
Jun 14, 2021

WARRENVILLE, IL – Greens support a Medicare-for-all, single-payer health-care system. This would not only fulfill a basic government obligation to meet the essential needs of its people; it would also be a boom to our economy, as both businesses and consumers would be relieved of the crippling burden of paying for overpriced, wasteful private health insurance.
Nationwide Medicare for All March
May 09, 2021

In a stunning betrayal of Californians, lawmakers in Sacramento delayed until 2022 the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act, Assembly Bill 1400. The Green Party of California aligns with a growing majority of Californians and many coalition partners in condemning this decision by the lawmakers.
“Universal single-payer healthcare lies at the heart of the Green Party of California healthcare platform,” said Barry Hermanson, long-time single-payer advocate and member of the GPCA Coordinating Committee. See “Big Pharma” and “Universal health care: California tries again.”
Apr 13, 2021

AUGUSTA, ME -- The Maine Green Independent Party endorses a citizens initiative to establish a publicly funded health care system for all Maine residents.
The party's state committee voted unanimously to support the initiative, which was launched several months ago by Maine Health Care Action, a campaign group organized by Maine AllCare. The party will promote the petition campaign and encourage members to collect signatures to place the measure on the ballot.
Mar 09, 2021

By Carl J. Romanelli
PHILADELPHIA – Over the past 20 there is hardly a day that passes in which we don’t see articles, news stories or social media posts regarding healthcare. The power of the for-profit health insurance industry, as well as medical and pharmaceutical lobbies, has diluted and distorted the traditional meaning of many of the terms associated with a healthcare overhaul. Despite this, the Green Party has remained a steadfast supporter of healthcare reform.
For clarity, let’s examine some of those terms.
Dec 27, 2020

PHILADELPHIA – The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands with those who are demanding the Democratic Progressive Caucus in the US House of Representatives withhold their votes for Speakership (Nancy Pelosi) to force a vote on the floor for Medicare for All. This would expose the members of the Democratic Party who have refused to sign on for Universal Healthcare during a global pandemic. It also reveals that representatives who have campaigned on Medicare for All are more concerned with their personal careers, party loyalty, and upholding the obsolescent duopoly rather than fulfilling a promise they made to voters in their district. This is a unique moment because there is a short window in which progressives in Congress can have leverage to bring the bill to the floor for the first time and the need for Medicare for All is greater than ever.
Oct 22, 2020

Independent U.S. Senate candidate Lisa Savage wants the country to have universal health care, specifically backing the Medicare for All.
YARMOUTH, Maine — When you’re running as an underdog, any signs of support can be welcome. Lisa Savage says she has found support at farmers’ markets, like the one in Yarmouth, where one voter explained why he ranked her first.
“A lot of it is the outside money going into the other traces,” that voter told Savage during a recent visit, referring to the massive amounts of money going to the two parties' candidates in the race—close to $90 million as of October 1.
Sep 30, 2020

Latest news from the Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC)
PITTSBURGH – With about a month to go before election day, we need ALL HANDS ON DECK to get the word out about our Green candidates! Check out the events and ideas below for ways you can get involved.
Join The Medicaid March on Thursday 10/1
Jun 25, 2020