Change is yours if you want it
We don't usually send out links to articles from corporate entities, but this one is pretty telling. Jon Campbell reports on how nothing is getting done in the NYS Senate because those in power put party over people. It's chaos and gridlock in Albany as you and I try to deal with crisis after crisis with climate change, health care, systemic racism, and more. You can read the article here.
That is why we are so proud and excited about our candidates for statewide office as well as the Brian White for State Senate campaign in the 55th district to replace Rich Funke. Take a look at what Brian is trying to do with his campaign, then see how you can support him. This is a perfect example of why Greens run for office. The two-party system is not working and if those in power don't want to do anything, we will.
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Long March to DC
On Saturday, June 2nd, the Poor Peoples March on Washington DC will begin in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, the poorest District in Pennsylvania. This march will mark the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign and Resurrection City erected in 1968 on the National Mall. The march will begin on June 2nd from the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia and end on June 12th at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. where we will be joined by the Homeless Marathon.
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Left Forum 2018
Towards a New Strategy for the Left is the theme for this year's Left Forum. A yearly event in New York City, Left Forum presents hundreds of forums and panel sessions.
This year's Left Forum includes 24 Green Party members participating in 19 panels. Ajamu Baraka, our 2016 Vice Presidential candidate is one of the featured speakers at the Closing Plenary, A Vision Moving Forward, on Sunday.
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Indiana Green Party Needs Your Help to Achieve Ballot Access
Would you be willing to collect 20 signatures by June 15th for our ballot access campaign? The window to collect signatures is closing quickly and we really need your help.
Collecting enough signatures for our Secretary of State candidate, George Wolfe, will provide him with a spot on the ballot in the November election! Getting George on the ballot would mean a lot for the Indiana Green Party because if we get George on the ballot and he walks away with more than 2% of the overall vote for Secretary of State, then the Green Party will have a spot on the ballot for future elections! Achieving ballot access will take a huge burden off of future Indiana Green Party candidates by eliminating the ridiculous signature threshold that’s currently in place.
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Texas Greens Are Headed To Washington D.C.!!
New and exciting things are happening with the Green Party of Texas! There will be a contingent of Young Greens traveling to the 2018 American Civil Liberties Union Conference in Washington, D.C. from June 10th- June 12th.
This will be an exciting opportunity to network with other activists, advocates, and those who share a passion for standing up and fighting back against injustices currently plaguing our society.
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Green Party of Virginia Condemns NFL Anthem Policy
Declares it a Racist Violation of the Value of Free Speech
The Green Party of Virginia (GPVA), consistent with its key values of social justice and nonviolence, condemns the decision by the National Football League (NFL) to deny players their right to express themselves on the field. This policy, made without consultation with the NFL Player's Association (NFLPA), "requires players and league personnel on the sideline to stand but gives them the option to remain in the locker room if they don't want to stand."
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Join us for LAST March Against Monsanto
This Saturday, March 26, will be the LAST TIME you get to March Against Monsanto.
A little birdie flying by whispered that Monsanto management is telling employees … "If you want a photo of yourself in front of the 'Monsanto World Headquarters' sign, take it now – as soon as the merger goes through, the sign will come down and the 'Bayer' sign will go up."
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Maricopa Green Party Meeting This Saturday
The next meeting of the Green Party of Maricopa County will be held this Saturday at 1736 East McDowell Road, Phoenix Arizona. Lite breakfast and coffee will be provided.
Green Party meetings are open to the public but you have to be a Green Party member to vote. Come to our next meeting and learn about our 2018 candidates, 2018 electoral opportunities, and the status of our various petitions drives. Please invite others who are interested in learning about the Green Party. Please let us know if you have any agenda items to discuss.
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Get Out The Green Vote on the June 5th Elections
The June 5th primary Election is jsut around the corner and voting by mail has already begun. We have been campaigning and phone banking for our amazing Green and corporate-free candidates and they need your vote! We invite you to change the heart of politics!
We need YOU to Get Out The Green Vote and spread the word about our Green and Corporate-free candidates who will fight for ‘We the People’. #WeAreGreen
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Connecticut State Meeting Wrap-up
The Green Party of Connecticut (GPCT) held it's Annual State Meeting and Nominating Convention on Saturday May 12, 2018 in Portland, CT.
During the Nominating Convention, the following candidates were endorsed as nominees in statewide elections:
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