Battle Continues In War Over Stolen Elections
Defending democracy and justice for the 197th District
Philadelphia, PA – The nationwide fight for fair elections will continue in the halls of the US Court House this week. Dozens expected to attend the long awaited preliminary hearing held in response to accusations of corruption during the special election for State Representative in the 197th Legislative District back in March. The lawsuit filed by Cheri Honkala, Green Party candidate and longtime resident of the district, alleges illegal voter assistance, electioneering and other questionable poll activities. Members of the press are encouraged to attend this public hearing on, September 14th - 3:00 pm, room 313A at 601 Market Street.
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Black & Green Wednesday: The Unfolding Green Party
A few years after the Green Party began in Germany in 1980, differences arose between "fundis," who wished to stick to fundamental principles, and "realos," who focused on getting elected to office. This profoundly affected how German Greens acted once they were elected to office.
Since the 1990s, Green organizing in the US has been at least as complicated on the national, state and local levels. Come hear from those involved in organizing Green Parties in Germany, the US, Missouri and St. Louis.
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Santa Clara County September Newsletter
Our mission is to bring the Green Party’s message and platform to our neighbors and communities, defend our shared values, and implement people–focused policies. So we are committed to reach out to all Santa Clara registered Greens, like you, and invite you to join us and help put People, Planet and Peace Over Profit!
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Green Party of Rhode Island 25th Anniversary Regional Summit
The Green Party of Rhode Island has been active for 25 years, running candidates for office and agitating on a number of issues in Rhode Island politics. Now we will mark this anniversary with a celebration and regional summit this fall to bring together Greens and progressives from across New England to plan and build our future efforts.
With a duopoly system that is still dysfunctional almost a year after the election and a White House that is engaging in an obvious 'shock-and-awe' publicity campaign strategy, the Left in New England needs to come together to build and develop a strategy for 2018 but also 2019, 2020, and beyond. The best defense against both neoliberalism stemming from the Democrats and neofascism fostered by Trump and his base which targets frontline communities, is a proper offense. This means we cannot and should not pass up the opportunity to build on the municipal, state, and regional level. Rhode Island was home to one of the early American Green Parties and so it is only right to take inspiration from this progressive heritage to move forward boldly into the future with a political party for the 99%.
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Protest at Senator Peters' Lansing, MI office, 10:00 am on September 6th
There's a Green Party of Michigan action happening tomorrow in Lansing.
Please attend if you are able!
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Do what's best for those most in need of help
Help to end subminimum wage for disabled people. Recently the Seattle Disability Commission voted unanimously to recommend the city end the practice, after a 4 month review. Multiple disabled people and organizations commented in favor of ending it, and we worked with the families and employers of workers making subminimum wage, all of whom consented to end it.
Recently though parents with Friends of Fircrest (an organization that believes in institutionalizing people with I/DD) has started spreading misinformation and contacting the City Council and agencies, even if they don't live in Seattle. If YOU do, please take a minute to send a short email to the Office of Labor Standards in support of wage equality for disabled people.
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Waterford, CT Green Party Endorses, Releases Platform
Waterford, CT – On Saturday, August 26, the Waterford Green Party (WGP) unanimously voted to adopt their 2017 Platform. The document outlines five areas in which they wish to see town policy change: local economics, environmentalism, infrastructure, education, and government transparency. Under each category, the party puts forth numerous ideas for how to improve town management, maintain a balanced budget in the face of Millstone’s potential closure, lessen environmental damage, improve the quality of the education given to our children, and more. In total, the 2017 platform lists 36 ways in which the party wishes to change town operations, and the WGP is confident that the vast majority of these common-sense proposed policies will be of interest to liberal, conservatives, and independents alike.
The WGP was the only political party in town to release its own platform in both 2015 and so far in the 2017 election cycle, and it hopes that the town will consider its proposals as they head to the polls on November 7th, 2017. The platform is available online at
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Upper Middlesex County Greens reorganize
The Central Connecticut Green Party is being revived as the Upper Middlesex County Greens.
Greens from upper Middlesex County are invited to attend a planning meeting on organizing a chapter for central Connecticut in the greater Middletown area. The Agenda will be released soon.
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Kaper-Dale Calls on Space to Resign
HIGHLAND PARK, NJ -- Gubernatorial candidate Seth Kaper-Dale is calling for the resignation of Sussex Country representative Parker Space, following a recent picture of Space and his wife smiling in front of a Confederate flag. The picture has garnered attention and sparked controversy in the recent days.
"At a time when the nation is expressing outrage over symbols of racism, anti-semitism, and bigotry, we have an elected official in New Jersey who feels it is right to proudly wave a Confederate flag. It appears to me that there's another statue that needs to be taken down, that being Parker Space as an official. This kind of bigotry does not belong in New Jersey politics, and I would ask that this out of touch candidate, whose views do not align with the views of the people of New Jersey, resign, and refrain from seeking reelection," said Kaper-Dale on the matter.
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HuffPost distorts the truth (again)
For an author who describes herself as an investigative journalist, Gail McGowan Mellor sure plays fast and loose with known facts. Literally from the very first sentence, her portrayal of America’s political landscape is more impressionistic than realistic.
"For the first time in over 150 years, there is serious, realistic, public discussion of starting a new major political party…”
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