If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Green Party of Utah Statement in support of Resolution on Net Metering

The Green Party of Utah has issued a statement to the Public Service Commission and to the Mayor of Salt Lake City in support of net metering, as a response to a request for a permit by Rocky Mountain Power to increase rates for rooftop solar users. Public comments and letters of support are being accepted through Wednesday, August 9th. A public hearing is being held August 9th to accept public comment as well. Statement in Support of the Resolution on Net Metering Continue reading

Join Us in Springfield – Say NO to Fracking!

Out-of-state energy companies are eager to start fracking in Illinois. Will you join us in Springfield next week to tell the state Department of Natural Resources "NO" to fracking permits? For the past several months, the Illinois Green Party and multiple environmental organizations have been gathering petitions and public comments opposing the issuance of Illinois' first high-volume fracking permit. Continue reading

Jill Stein To Meet With Flint Residents Calling for ‘Justice & Emergency Action’

Calls Flint Crisis a Symbol of Bipartisan Negligence That's Thrown Ordinary Americans Under the Bus Dr. Jill Stein is set to make an appearance in Flint this Friday afternoon to support the demands of residents for justice, health and democracy. She is calling attention to unmet critical needs to fix the water crisis inflicted on them. The discussion will take place at the Wolves Den Camp, located at 1115 Mason St. in Flint. Stein was outspoken about the matter during her 2016 Presidential run on the Green Party ticket, demanding accountability from public officials responsible for the crisis. She advocated for pursuing prosecutions of all responsible officials, including Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, who appointed the emergency managers that oversaw the disaster, and to whom the managers reported. Continue reading

Our Revolution Ocean County Endorses Kaper-Dale for Governor

The Ocean County branch of Our Revolution has endorsed Seth Kaper-Dale's candidacy for the Governor of New Jersey. Our Revolution, now run by Nina Turner, was founded by Bernie Sanders and his staff, and formerly run by Sanders' campaign manager Jeff Weaver. Kaper-Dale has been called the "Bernie of New Jersey", and been named as the "only progressive running" for Governor of New Jersey. The endorsement stated the following: "Our Revolution/Ocean County has endorsed Green Party Seth Kaper-Dale for Governor of New Jersey, by a four-to-one margin vote of their membership. The candidate embraces the concept of positive change through community action, and shares the values and spirit of Our Revolution's progressive issues and goals. Continue reading

Green Party of Missouri to hold it's first convention

Join the Green Party of Missouri at our State Convention, August 12-13, 2017 We are holding the first annual state convention as an officially recognized political party with state-wide ballot access! The convention is open to all dues-paying members. If you have not yet become a member, you may do so through our website or through your local chapter. Continue reading

Join us for a Summer Retreat in Erie Pa

Save the date for July 15 and 16 for a Summer Retreat with the Green Party of PA at Presque Isle State Park in Erie, PA. The retreat will provide an opportunity for PA Greens to connect with each other and with the environment in this spectacular setting. Presque Isle, located on the edge of Lake Erie, offers a tremendous opportunity for sightseeing and family fun. Besides miles of beautiful coastline, the area supports many unique habitats. It’s a favorite spot for migrating birds and contains a greater number of the state's endangered, threatened and rare species than any other area of comparable size in Pennsylvania. Presque IsleThe Presque Isle lighthouse, Waterworks Park, water sports, camping, and the Tom Ridge Environmental Center are all easily accessible. Continue reading

Green Party of Santa Clara County July Newsletter

Happy Independence Day to you all. We Greens are big fans of our government being independent from corporate influence, so by principle we do not accept donations from Lobbyists, superPACS and corporations. The Green Party of US is the only party on the ballot in 48 States that can make that claim. If you believe we will not have our democracy back until we eliminate the influence of money on our politicians and policies, then join us in standing for PEOPLE, PLANET, PEACE, OVER PROFIT. This year our Green Party of Santa Clara Chapter was honored to be marching in the San Jose Rose, White and Blue Parade on July 4th. We celebrated this day by declaring our continued independence from corporate-run politics, while sharing our message of peace, love and justice with our community. Photos can be seen here. Continue reading

Final push for signatures! Let's get our Green candidates on the ballot

Thanks to everyone who has responded, we've made big gains in collecting signatures over the past week. But we still have more ground to cover: we just passed 260 signatures out of about 400. Here's how you can help: Registered Green voter in NYC? We need your signature if you haven't signed for us yet! Please drop us a note and we can make an appointment to meet you at your home or somewhere mutually convenient. Continue reading

Knox County Newsletter for July

Knox Greens March in Pride Parade The Knox Greens show solidarity while having a great time at the Pride Parade. We have been participating in Knoxville Pride since its beginnings. Our first local Green Party candidate we met at Pride Norris Dryer. He was an inspiration to us all. He was the first openly gay candidate for Knoxville City Council. Continue reading

Next Young Greens call to focus on healthcare

  Please join the Young Greens of the United States on our next Organizing Call, Monday July 10th, at 9PM EDT. Listen in as we discuss the history of Healthcare in America and it's relationship to, politics, employment/meritocracy, racism, and classism: we will also come up with educational and or direct action campaigns the caucus can organize trough a collective brainstorming process. Continue reading