If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

MLK Weekend Events for the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign

During the weekend of January 12th to the 15th, in Philadelphia, PA the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign will be hosting a number of activities. This activities will culminate with a day of Teach-in and March commemorating the 50's anniversary march held with Dr. Martin Luther King and the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign community. Continue reading

Green State of the State Broadcast

Today, Wednesday January 3rd at 7pm, we invite you to put 2018 on a Green Track! We, your humble GPNY Co-Chairs and 2014 GPNY Gubernatorial Candidate Howie Hawkins will deliver a live Green State of the State broadcast from our Facebook page at Facebook.com/GreenPartyNY. We'll talk about our top issue priorities and the ecological, economic and social challenges facing New Yorkers this year. You do not need a Facebook account to watch the livestream! Please let your fellow Greens and friends know so that we can set a strong, Green Agenda in 2018, which will include Green Party candidates for governor and other statewide offices. Continue reading

Green Party of Texas Files for 2018 Ballot Access

The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) has filed party registration with the Texas Secretary of State’s office, declaring GPTX intent to nominate candidates to the November 2018 general election ballot. GPTX lost ballot access in 2016 when it’s leading statewide candidate, Martina Salinas for Railroad Commissioner, finished with 3.26%, receiving 285,558 votes. Despite this and other strong finishes across the state, GPTX failed to meet the 5% threshold in a statewide race necessary to retain ballot access. In order to again qualify, GPTX will have to collect 47,183 verified voter signatures, in person, from voters who have not participated in any other party’s primary or convention, within a 75-day period beginning March 14th. Continue reading

A Green state of the state message

New York can lead the nation and the world toward economic justice and ecological sustainability. Our state can be an inspiring example of full employment at living wages, health care for all, affordable housing, quality public education, and 100 percent clean, climate-stabilizing energy. With a gross domestic product of $1.5 trillion, New York would have world's 11th largest GDP as an independent nation, ahead of countries like Russia and South Korea. New York has a strong economic foundation on which to build a sustainable prosperity for all. Continue reading

Resist #Russiagate

A Public Forum featuring speakers from the Green Party and the Party for Socialism & Liberation The FBI is not your friend! As the anti-Russia witch hunt takes a sharper turn on the left and continues to target progressive voices like Jill Stein; as the media and the state's campaign of misinformation whips up the country for aggression and war, it is very important for people to stand together and resist the new "Cold War" and McCarthyism. Continue reading

Single Payer Health Care is our goal for the New Year

If you missed the December monthly meeting, fear not. We taped our guest speaker, Dave Attridge from Recovery Now, NY – including the Q&A section – and you can watch it on YouTube at https://youtu.be/1pToHVfZ1Ak. Folks who were at that meeting were interested in creating a local platform plank for the Green Party of Monroe County and that process is in progress. We hope to have something for registered Greens to vote on at the next monthly meeting. That meeting happens to be… Join us on Thursday, January 11th at 7:00 pm at the Flying Squirrel Community Space, 285 Clarissa Street in Rochester. It’s going to be a meeting full to the brim as our guest speakers will be Alice Carli and Rohith Palli from the local chapter of the Campaign for New York Health. We will be discussing ways to get Single Payer Health Care in New York State. There will be action to take at this meeting, so it won’t be just talk. Just like last month, we hope to have a group of people (of any and all political persuasions) who would be interested in creating a Green Party local platform plank on health care. Continue reading

Winter Membership Meeting + Improv Comedy! – January 27

The Green Party of Minnesota winter membership meeting is a time for Greens from all over Minnesota to gather, socialize, make important decisions and learn together. This year, Greens will have the unique opportunity to learn about current issues while being entertained by Minnesota's nationally-known local improv troupe with Danger Boat Productions. Continue reading

Green Party of Maricopa County to meet on January 6th

The next Green Party of Maricopa County monthly meeting will be held January 6th 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at AFSCME Union Hall, 3636 N. 15th Ave (north of Osborn), Phoenix. Lite breakfast and coffee will be provided. Leadership elections will be held. Green Party meetings are open to the public but you have to be a Green Party member to vote. Come to the next meeting of the Green Party and learn about our 2018 candidates, 2018 electoral opportunities, and the status of our various petitions drives. As well, we will elect new leadership. Please invite others who are interested in learning about the Green Party. Please let Melodi, Carl or Joan know if you have any agenda items to discuss. Continue reading

Take Action Now to Stop Preemptive Nuclear War

Good news! This past July, the United Nations passed a treaty that makes the use of nuclear weapons illegal. This is the first progress in nuclear disarmament since the 1980's. And although all 9 nuclear powers and their allies did not vote for this treaty, 122 countries did. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) was recently awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize, in part for its work to pass the UN treaty. The Green Party of Washington is a member organization of ICAN through Earthcare Not Warfare. The prize gives a tremendous boost to ICAN and the efforts to stop the trillion dollar "modernization" and expansion of US nuclear capability. Continue reading

Wayne County Green Party Calls Foul on Michigan District 13 Special Election

The Wayne County Green Party and many residents of US Congressional District MI-13 decry Governor Snyder's scheduling of the Special Election to fill the seat made vacant by the Dean, John Conyers' resignation from office. The reason for the Congressman's resignation is less important than the greater need for MI-13 to have full representation in Congress. Continue reading