Trump 'uses racism as a guiding principle for governing'
Although racism is bedrock of American policy, President Donald Trump wears it openly and "uses racism as a guiding principle for governing and public pronouncements," says Myles Hoenig, an American political analyst and activist.
Hoenig, a former Green Party candidate for Congress, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Tuesday on while commenting on the falling approval ratings of both Trump and the Republican Party.
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Stop the March to War in Korea! Build the Global People's Force for Peace!
Come learn about the hidden background to the crisis in Korea and stop the accelerating threat of nuclear war!
With Ramsay Liem, producer of the Memories of Forgotten War documentary, and Jill Stein, Green Party 2016 presidential candidate recently back from South Korea as part of a Solidarity Peace Delegation.
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Community comes together in unity march
GLENS FALLS, NY — As he stood in the band shell at Crandall Park Sunday, giving the invocation to more than 125 people who turned out on short notice for a unity march, the Rev. Leonard Oates invoked the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King as the reason local residents needed to make their opinions known.
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere," he said, shortly before the group marched peacefully on the streets around the park, then returned to hear speeches about the racial unrest in America.
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Send Human Rights Observers to Puerto Rico
On Monday, October 2 at 1:00 pm, the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) will be visiting the offices of the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C. to ask that international human rights observers are sent to Puerto Rico to witness the extent of the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria and whether the recovery efforts are putting poor people before profits or are further contributing to Puerto Rico's economic crisis. We, the poor, are calling on the international community to witness the U.S. government's treatment of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, and ensure that our families, friends, and loved ones receive the resources and justice they require.
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Cease wins Ward 6 Green Party Primary Election
On Tuesday, August 29, 2017, Michael Cease was the winner of the Green Party Primary in Ward 6 of the City of Tucson Council Election. Cease defeated his primary opponent, Michael Oatman, with 64.71% of the vote (55 votes), versus 31.76% of the vote (27 votes) for Oatman. Mr. Cease will now move on to the November 7, 2017 General Election to face Republican challenger Mariano Rodriguez, and Democratic incumbent Steve Kozachik. While most municipalities in Arizona have non-partisan elections, Tucson is unique because its elections for mayor and city council are partisan (candidates may run with a party designation, or run as independent).Michael Cease is the chairperson of the Green Party of Pima County (GPPC). Last year, he ran as the Green Party candidate for Pima County Recorder in the November 2016 General Election. He set a personal and Green Party record when he received 80,588 votes (22.20% of the vote).
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Green Party Candidate Cassandra Lems Speaks Out On Corruption
As Green Party candidate for County Executive, I question whether either Democrat Laura Curran or Republican Jack Martins will be able to end corrupt hiring and contracting practices in Nassau County, since both candidates are taking money from individuals and companies that deal with Nassau County. Both parties will always have a problem with pay-to-play if they continue to accept such monies. And voters will always—with justification -- mistrust the motives of their governmental representatives.
The political patronage system causes a lot of waste in government. People who are not qualified for certain jobs are appointed because they contributed money or time or service to political campaigns. One example of this from my own experience is that the president of a local Young Republicans club somehow ended up in charge of the emergency management program with which I volunteer, not because he was particularly qualified but because of his politics. This use of patronage is far too common in Nassau County politics. This is not an efficient or ethical way to staff government positions.
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Two great candidates in Olympia
The Green Party of Washington (GPWA) is a political party, and its ultimate aim is to elect Green candidates to office where they can really make a difference. This year, we have the opportunity to get excellent Green candidates into office in Olympia: Renata Rollins for Olympia City Council Position 6, and E.J. Zita for Olympia Port Commission. GPWA has endorsed both these candidates – they are thoughtful, experienced, have well-functioning campaign organizations, and their opponents are vulnerable. Both Greens are facing establishment candidates with large treasuries full of corporate donations - and both campaigns are funded the Green way – without corporate contributions! To win, it is not enough to be smarter, more experienced, have more volunteers and more endorsements. Green candidates need funds for lots of advertising, offices expenses, and to pay their hard-working staff. This is where you come in.
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Rebuilding the Green Party of Tennesse
We have an opportunity to rebuild the Green Party of Tennessee from the ground up. The past two years have brought a paradigmatic shift in politics in the United States and here in Tennessee, and we are positioned to take the initiative and push for Green reforms in our state and beyond.
To do this, we need to re-engage with people who have expressed an interest in Green policies over the years. We have a database of 1,300 people we can call to reconnect with the party which has broken this up into 3 groups by Congressional districts. We are going to phonebank these contacts and work to connect or reconnect them with the Green Party of Tennessee.
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Illinois Green Party Fall Conference - Submit Your Platform & Bylaws Proposals!
The Illinois Green Party Fall Conference (held October 28-29 in Springfield) will include membership votes on proposed changes to the ILGP Platform and Bylaws.
If you wish to propose a change to our Platform or Bylaws language, please submit your proposed change to [email protected] by the end of Friday, October 20th at the very latest, so that proposals can be compiled and distributed to the ILGP membership prior to the meeting.
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The two biggest threats we face
The threat of global nuclear war and the growing climate crisis are, to put it bluntly, the two biggest threats to the future of life on Earth.
That's why I agreed to be one of the keynote speakers at No War 2017: War and the Environment – and why I'm asking you to tune in to the opening panel this Friday September 22nd at 7 PM Eastern time.
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