Independent and Third Party Voices - 2018 Elections and Beyond
Join the Green Party of Santa Clara County and our panel of speakers for a lively and interactive exchange of ideas and strategies on reclaiming our democracy with the growing voice of independent and third parties. We invite you to add your voice to this important conversation and learn about the work independent and third party candidates are doing in California and the nation.
Sharat Lin of the San José Peace and Justice Center will moderate the speakers’ opening presentations and the following discussions with audience questions and comments. Speakers presenting their perspectives for the 2018 elections and beyond will be:
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GPLAC-endorsed Green Congressional candidate Angelica Dueñas arrested protesting lack of DACA protections
On December 5th, Green congressional candidate Angelica Dueñas was detained by police, after demonstrating in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Los angeles office in support of permanent protection for DACA recipients. Her statement about DACA and her detention:
The current presidential administration is on the path of destroying millions of people's lives - including by taking away DACA protection from over 800,000 Dreamers, putting them at risk to lose everything that they are working for. Breaking up families and destroying homes. And robbing us all of the rich contributions Dreamers have to offer.
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Black & Green Wednesday: Defending Immigrants
The Gateway Green Alliance and the Universal African Peoples Organization present this month's Black & Green Wednesday public forum on Defending Immigrants.
Speaking will be Sara John, Interfaith Committee on Latin America; Tia Byrd, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment; and Jose Alfredo Chavez, Latinos en AxionSTL. Rita Mauchenheimer, Green Party of St. Louis will be the moderator.
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Green Party of New Orleans FIRST ANNUAL MEETING
Looking past the election, we're planning on having the FIRST ANNUAL MEETING for our local chapter. Not to be confused with the Annual National Meeting or the state convention, this is strictly for our local New Orleans chapter. At this meeting we'll have three objectives.
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Tax Bill Passes Senate - All Hands On Deck!
In the wee hours of Saturday morning, the US Senate voted to pass a tax overhaul bill that will hasten our economic spiral. We know that our government has been sold to the highest bidder and that we need systemic changes. But for the next few days we need to focus on one thing only: making sure this tax bill does NOT pass.
If you haven't had the chance to see any of the details, it will:
increase our deficit.
devastate people with disabilities.
actually increase taxes for people making under $200,000 a year.
and many other disastrous effects on those who are not rich.
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Arizona Green Party e-newsletter, November 26, 2017
The Arizona Green Party (AZGP) is nearing the end of our Fall 2017 on-line fundraiser (ending Wednesday, November 29, 2017). We are asking all of our members to make a donation of $20.00 to support our important work. So far, 7 of our members have made donations. We would like to double that number before our fundraising deadline. For your donation, you will receive one of our new AZGP t-shirts! The t-shirts are a Green Grass color, made in the USA (by American Apparel), and are printed by Custom Ink (see photo below). Please support our on-line fundraiser.
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Green Party of Brooklyn Meeting & Holiday Party
Join the Green Party of Brooklyn for a short business meeting followed by a party to celebrate our achievements this year!
MeetingWe'll have a short meeting to debrief on the elections this year, and talk about plans for next year. We also may vote to fill a current vacancy on the GPBK Executive Committee, one Officer At-Large position. Please contact us at [email protected] if you'd like to learn more about running for this position!
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Help the Green Party of New Jersey on Giving Tuesday
#GivingTuesday is upon us again and this year the Green Party of New Jersey (GPNJ) is supporting Community to Community – Aid to Puerto Rico. GPNJ, GPNJ LatinX Caucus, 15 Now NJ, and Bad Ass Teachers are collecting money to deliver a shipping container full of goods to Piñones, Loiza, Puerto Rico. GPNJ will be matching donations for the first $500.00 during this #GivingTuesday drive, so every dollar you donate will be like donating 2 dollars.
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This Giving Tuesday please Support the Maryland Green Party!
The Maryland Green Party has had an amazing year of growth and activity. We expect 2018 to be even better but we need your help.
Our most important electoral win was the election of Reverend Annie Chambers as delegate to the Resident Advisory Board representing Douglass Homes in Baltimore. At Douglass, residents are being deliberately neglected by the Housing Authority. Entire neighborhoods are being allowed to physically and socially decay with one simple aim: to get people out of there and take the land for other uses.
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Help us fundraise for 2018 Green candidates!
The recent wins for Greens and other progressive candidates have been very exciting, and we realize that it is important for us to keep working hard and set our sights on the 2018 elections!
The Green Party of Washington needs some volunteers who would be willing to work on a fundraising committee in order for us to support more Green and Progressive candidates in 2018. We are hoping to have 1-2 volunteers from each local Green Party chapter to assist with this project.
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