If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

New Jersey Green Party Greenstream Candidate Forum

The Green Party of the United States will air a half-hour livestream show GreenStream on the party's Facebook page on Thursday, July 6. The show will feature Green candidates running for public office in New Jersey and one of the Annual National Meeting organizers and begins at 9 p.m. ET. The broadcast will take place one week before the Green Party's 2017 Annual National Meeting in Newark, New Jersey, from July 13 to 16. Greens will convene at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark. Continue reading

Declare Independence From Fossil Fuels

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary to act on global warming and dissolve our dependence on fossil fuels, a decent respect to the opinions of others requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to the dissolution. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that the burning of fossil fuels is a leading contributor to climate change. As a result of our addiction to fossil fuels, extreme weather, melting ice caps and glaciers, global sea level rise, diminishing food and water supplies, forced migration, and damage to public health threaten the world’s populations. Continue reading

The Green Party of Philadelphia Invites you to a Welcome Party for New Members

Join the Green Party of Philadelphia as we welcome our new members with a potluck style party! Feel free to bring a small dish or snack to share, but you need not bring anything to attend. All Greens, old and new, are invited to attend, as well as those who are simply curious about the Green Party and want to learn more. Learn what we’re up to and how you can get involved Continue reading

Climate Change and Missouri

The next Black & Green Wednesday meeting of Gateway Greens and the Universal African People's Organization will focus on how climate change is affecting Missouri. Climate issues are plaguing our planet. Effects already being experienced in Missouri include extreme weather, flooding, heat, drought and associated agricultural problems. What steps can be taken through legislation and direct action to lessen climate change locally? To learn more and to join the discussion about this critical topic please join us on July 5. Continue reading

Response to Non-convictions in the Philando Castile and Sam Dubose

I think it would be remiss for the Green Party not to address recent non-convictions in the cases of Philando Castile and Sam Dubose this past week. It is quite evident, in my opinion, the tainted complexities of our democracy. The corruption of police or policing is only a symptom as is our current administration. With that being said, the harsh reality is more police will be acquitted. It is apparent that democracy only serves and protects certain groups and classes of people. The prosecution of policemen seems to be hindered by the very laws that are supposed to protect ALL citizens. There are major institutional, social and legal impediments to law enforcement being held accountable for the crimes they commit. It is a very complicated and sophisticated task. The difficulty seems to be intentional. So must our pushback. But before we can resist we must find ourselves out of this labyrinth of defeat. Continue reading

From Texas to Palestine

Uniting to Protect & Preserve Diversity in Nature and Society The Green Party of the United States's National Political Organizer along with Green Party of Texas County and State leadership, proudly welcome Dr Mazin Qumsiyeh to Austin, Texas. Continue reading

Political Prisoner Rev. Edward Pinkney released from prison

After serving the minimum sentence, 30 months (2-1/2 years), Rev. Edward Pinkney of Benton Harbor, Michigan was released on parole on Tuesday, June 13. A Welcome Home celebration will be held on Saturday, July 8 at 2:00 pm at St. Matthew & St. Joseph Episcopal Church,  8850 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Donations to help Rev. Pinkney should be sent to Moratorium NOW Coalition, 5920 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 (on memo line write: Welcome Home Rev. Pinkney). Continue reading

Green Party co-chair Darlene Elias, addressed a UN Special Committee on Puerto Rico

Your Honor,  My name is Darlene Elias. I am one of seven National Co-Chairs of the Green Party of the United States y soy Boricua. Thank you for the opportunity to address such a prestigious and influential group of people here at the United Nations. To begin with, it is the position of the Green Party that the United States needs to sever its ties with Puerto Rico completely and allow for its people to live free of colonial rule for once and for all. U.S. imperialism has only served to oppress the growth and prosperity of Puerto Rico and its people. Continue reading

DC Statehood Green Party news for June 2017

The DC Statehood Green Party (DCSGP) is a progressive, grassroots organization dedicated to representing the interests of the citizens of the District of Columbia. We are the District’s second largest political party by vote total and we’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Join us! Vote Green! The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Mayor Bowser's Budget: Continue reading

Green Party supports the Call to Action on Puerto Rico

The Steering Committee of the Green Party of the United States has endorsed A Call to Action on Puerto Rico / Un Llamado a la Accion con Puerto Rico. This 2nd Annual Day of Solidarity with the Independence of Puerto Rico takes place on Friday, June 16, 2017 from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm. The event will take place on the 2nd floor of 777 United Nations Plaza in New York City. Continue reading