George Floyd Response: Green Party US National Black Caucus Demands Accountability, Structural Changes to Save Black and Brown Lives From Police Brutality

Green Party National Co-Chair Trahern Crews Part of Community Response in Minneapolis On Tuesday, May 25th Officer Derek Chauvin forced his knee on the neck of George Floyd for eight grueling, life-taking minutes until he died — as Officer Tou Thao looked on. Community members were present and recorded the horrific, traumatizing incident that has sparked protest and anger in the Black community across America. Continue reading

Green Party: Economic Stimulus Must Help Average Americans While Solving Climate Change

The Green Party of the United States said that the economic stimulus package being voted upon by Congress does not do enough to help Americans, and also fails to help the country respond to the accelerating climate crisis. In countries like China and Italy with the worst outcomes, as in large cities in the US and worldwide, air pollution from burning fossil fuels was a factor of increased mortality from COVID-19. A healthy planet prevents future pandemics due to destruction of ecosystems and protects lives as well as world economies from man-made crises. Continue reading

Green Party Lawsuits Allege States Are Exploiting COVID-19 to Limit Voter Options

The Green Party of the United States has announced lawsuits have been filed in Illinois and Georgia to stop Democratic- and Republican-run boards of elections from exploiting COVID-19, social distancing and shelter-in-place guidelines that prevent the Green Party from gathering petition signatures for candidates. The Green Party has been appealing to governors across the nation for emergency ballot access relief for candidates in the interest of public health and safety. Lawsuits in more states are being explored if officials do not respond. Continue reading

Green Party Trends on Twitter, Sees Surge of Support, After Sanders Suspends Campaign

Sanders supporters pledge to “#DemExit” and “#GreenEnter,” to make a home in a party that shares their core values. Greens will name their presidential nominee on July 11. The Green Party of the United States reported an explosion of interest in their party following Senator Bernie Sanders’ announcement on Wednesday that he was officially suspending his campaign. Continue reading

Greens Call For Solidarity With Labor Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Party Says the Pandemic Exposes Dire Need For Economic, Environmental and Foreign Policy System Change Green Party leaders called today for people’s movements and organizations to stand in solidarity with workers facing health concerns, loss of wages and insufficient healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic. “This must be a top priority for all who are dedicated to human rights, racial and economic justice, the well-being of working people and the poor, and the environment,” said Green Party of the United States Co-Chair Justin Beth. Continue reading

Greens Denounce Administration and Congressional Failure to Address Pandemic Threat to Health, Economy

Outrage as Administration Policy Will Sacrifice Lives to “Save” Economy WASHINGTON — As the United States reaches more confirmed cases of COVID-19 than any other single country and Congress prepares to pass a $2 trillion dollar economic relief package, Green Party leaders called for far greater measures on all fronts, stating that a temporary “band aid” will not provide adequate funding for health care and economic relief for those, especially the most vulnerable, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The package offers hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts for the airline industry and large corporations with relatively little for small businesses, minimal for individuals, and even less for low income families and individuals. Continue reading

Greens on proposed Coronavirus legislation: far too little, but it’s not too late

WASHINGTON — Green Party leaders have expressed alarm upon learning the U.S. House legislation passed on March 13 addressing the COVID-19 pandemic fails to guarantee paid sick leave for roughly 80% of workers. Citing the government’s ineffectual response in the early days of the outbreak, the Green Party is concerned that economic barriers could prevent many workers from participating in “social distancing,” one of the most effective remaining tactics for protecting vulnerable segments of the population from infection. Continue reading

Killing off New York's Third parties - Not Today!

ALBANY NY – 03/13/20 – The New York State Green and Libertarian Parties applaud the State Supreme Court ruling that stopped the Democratic Party's attempt to assassinate smaller political parties. Justice Ralph Boniello Thursday tossed out the law establishing a commission purportedly set up to create a system of publicly financed campaigns, but instead deviated into attacks on third party and independent candidates. The Judge ruled that the measure creating the panel was "an improper and unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority." Continue reading

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and the 2020 Olympics

The following is drawn from a Report to the National Committee, Green Party of the U.S. (GPUS) on February 17 by Tom Bailey, a member of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA), and Stephen Verchinski, a member of the Green Party of New Mexico. Both of the authors are elected delegates to the International Committee of the GPUS. HARRISBURG, Pa – Members of the National Committee of Green Party of US (GPUS) adopted Proposal 940 on December 2, 2018.  Among other goals, [Proposal] 940 called for a representative of GPUS to travel and tour in Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture. Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Fuku Station) sits east of the mountains, directly on the ocean beach. Proposal 940 continued on to state, “A video recording of the tour should be made to educate the world community. Greens Japan must know GPPA and GPUS as solid allies.” Continue reading

Hung Jury For Embassy Protectors a Victory for International Solidarity Against Empire, Political Speech

Judge Howell ruled that defendants could not: argue that their First Amendment political rights were violated; argue the Trump administration violated the Geneva Convention by failing to protect the embassy and lawful ambassador; argue that Juan Gaudio is not president of Venezuela; argue that the Embassy Protectors were prepared to leave the embassy voluntarily once a protecting power agreement was reached between the US and Venezuela. WASHINGTON, DC – The Green Party expresses relief and gratitude for the jurors who held out and refused to level a guilty verdict in the trial of the Embassy Protectors’ Collective. The federal district court trial began on February 11, and resulted three days later in a hung jury and mistrial. The court will reconvene on February 28 (Update: negotiations are ongoing. Next hearing scheduled for March 6), when the prosecution will state how it wishes to proceed. The Embassy Protectors could have faced up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine each. Continue reading