Steering Committee of the Green Party of the United States Statement on the “Dialogue not Expulsion” group
For the past 18 months, in stark contraposition to our values of Social Justice and Feminism, the “Dialogue not Expulsion” group has sustained a public and personal assault against some of the most marginalized and oppressed people in our Party. They have been coordinating an international effort targeting the credibility of our Accreditation Committee, our National Committee and our Steering Committee, along with individual Greens. Actions that members of the “Dialogue not Expulsion” group have engaged in do not align with the Green Party core values of Social Justice, Feminism, Youth Rights and Grassroots Democracy.
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Greens to Biden: “On Climate, You Are Not ‘The Party of Science’”
President’s Earth Day Goals Won’t Begin to Solve Climate Emergency
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Biden Should Commit to 100% Emissions Cut by 2030 at Earth Day Summit
Time to Declare Climate Emergency, Fund Green New Deal and Climate Mitigation
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Green Party Calls for a $4 Trillion Green Economic Stimulus
WASHINGTON - The Green Party of the United States called today for President Biden and Congress to provide $2.7 trillion annually for a Green New Deal economic stimulus to reboot the economy and transition the country to a 100% renewable energy system with zero emissions by 2030.
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Green Party National Women’s Caucus addresses systemic racism against Black women and girls in the areas of policing, criminal justice, and education
Police brutality, criminalization, and other types of systemic racism have created an especially lethal combination for Black women and girls who face multiple threats to their lives and health in proportion to the general population. In order to address state violence and racism against Black women and girls, the Green Party National Women’s Caucus recommends policy changes in the following areas:
Criminal justice
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HR1’s “Poison Pill” to Crush Alternative Parties Requires Amending — or the Bill Must Fail
Little-Known Provision in HR1 Will Quintuple the Amount of Money Presidential Candidates Must Raise to Participate in Public Matching Funds Program
WASHINGTON — The Green Party has gone on the record with the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Rules with a request that HR1 be amended to strike a provision that would quintuple the amount of money presidential campaigns will be required to raise to qualify for federal matching funds. HR1 will raise the qualifying threshold for presidential campaign matching funds from $5,000 raised in each of 20 states to $25,000 per state in 20 states.
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Green Party Says Texas Energy Crisis Due to Overreliance on Fossil Fuels
Highlights Need for Green New Deal and Rapid Transition to Renewable Energy
Unprecedented in more than a decade, disastrous cold signals crises of climate change and lack of preparedness. Both major parties have failed to provide infrastructure, energy policies to enable quick response and save lives.
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Green Party Urges Bolder Action on Climate, End Support for Fossil Fuels and Nukes
The Green Party of the United States said today that the Climate Executive Orders issued this week by President Biden are a step forward, but far more action is needed.
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As Black Women and Girls Go Missing, and the Media and the Police Do Little, a National Task Force is Required to Address the Issue
The Green Party of the United States National Women’s Caucus released a statement today calling for a national task force to focus on solving the disappearances of black women and girls.
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Green Party's International Committee Expresses Outrage at Christmas Day Bombing of the Al-Durrah Children's Hospital in the Gaza Strip
The International Committee of the Green Party of the United States has denounced the bombing of facilities in Gaza, including the Al-Durrah Children's Hospital, on Christmas Day. The airstrikes and artillery attacks are a stark reminder that Israeli continues to target children in its decades-long violation of international norms and laws in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Gaza. Such attacks are war crimes under international law, and attacks on children violate our most basic norms of human decency.
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