Green Party SOTU rebuttal: parties of war and Wall Street place profits before people
The Green Party rebuttal to the State of the Union, given by North Carolina U.S. Senate candidate Matthew Hoh, is available for viewing on the Matthew Hoh for Senate website. The full rebuttal is just under 30 minutes. Excerpts are posted below.
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Green Party Calls for Ceasefire and Diplomatic Solution to Ukraine Crisis
Greens stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and Russia who oppose the invasion
The Green Party is calling on the leaders of the United States, NATO and Russia to immediately initiate diplomatic talks together with Ukrainian leadership to resolve the crisis in Ukraine. On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a ground-and-air invasion throughout Ukraine, including the capital city of Kyiv.
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Stop the Saber-Rattling! Greens Call for Immediate Diplomacy to Resolve Ukraine Crisis
WASHINGTON, DC — Green Party leaders called on the Biden administration to immediately cease escalating military tensions and pursue a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis.
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Fed Bails Out Wall Street, Ignores Main Street (Again)
Statement from the Green Party of the United States
WASHINGTON — The Green Party of the United States (Green Party US) and the Green Party’s Banking and Monetary Reform Committee (BMRC) have released the following statement in light of recent reports that banks including JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup received $4.5 trillion in potentially illegal repurchase agreement loans (“repo loans”) from the Federal Reserve in the final quarter of 2019:
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Biden Must Issue Executive Orders on Climate, Halt Fossil Fuels
WASHINGTON, DC — The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States (Green Party US) condemns President Biden’s year of climate negligence and renews the call to pressure the president to declare a climate emergency and issue a comprehensive series of related Executive Orders, as described on
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Statement From Green Party US Steering Committee on COVID-19 Vaccines and Mandates
WASHINGTON — The Green Party of the United States Steering Committee strongly supports the use of vaccines, vaccine mandates and quarantines as part of a comprehensive public health effort to curb and eradicate the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has swept the globe since early 2020.
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Greens’ Elections Observer in Venezuela Impressed by “Advanced,” “Fair and Democratic” Process
Report from Green Party of the United States National Co-Chair Ahmed Eltouny as the Green Party’s onsite observer at the November 21 Venezuelan elections
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COP26 Agreements Will Lead to Climate Collapse, Says Green Party
Greens rebuke false solutions from world leaders, call for a Global Green New Deal
WASHINGTON — The Green Party of the United States said today that the COP26 world climate summit in Glasgow failed to produce the radical action scientists say is needed to avoid climate collapse, and that the only way for humanity to prevent catastrophe for life on Earth is a global Green New Deal.
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Greens Score at Least 22 Victories in November Elections
WASHINGTON — Maine Green Independent Party candidates Anna Trevorrow and Scott Harriman winning city council races in Portland and Lewiston (the state’s first- and second-most populous cities, respectively) are highlights among the national party’s 22 electoral victories declared since polls closed on Tuesday.
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Green Party Calls Dems' Surrender to Fossil Fuel Lobby a Global Disaster
The Green Party of the United States today slammed President Biden and Congressional Democrats for apparently agreeing to slash funding for fighting climate change in their “Build Back Better Plan” to $30 billion a year. That figure amounts to 1/25 of the budget for the U.S. military, the world’s biggest consumer of oil.
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