Peace In Ukraine Rally - Stop the Endless Wars

WASHINGTON — The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States has voted to endorse the March 18 peace rally in Washington D.C. This demonstration coincides with the 20th anniversary of the U.S. illegal invasion of Iraq and is consistent with the commitment to peace of the Green Party, which distinguishes it from the two dominant U.S. political parties. The Ukraine war is the largest armed conflict occurring in Europe since WWII. This war has already caused hundreds of thousands of casualties and millions of refugees, but it poses an even greater danger to mankind: the danger of escalation to a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia.   Continue reading

Greens Call for a Strong Global Plastic Treaty, Criticize Biden’s Position

The Green Party of the United States said today that the Biden administration needed to support a global plastic treaty that calls for an end of single use plastics, a major contributor to climate change and global pollution. “Plastics is the new coal in terms of its impact on climate change. It also has a very negative impact on human health, litter, and wildlife. World governments recently agreed to end plastic pollution but the Biden administration is pushing to protect the fossil fuel and chemical polluters. They need to reverse their position,” said Mark Dunlea, co-chair of the Green Party’s EcoAction Committee. Continue reading

Combat Corruption and Promote Transparency

International Anti-Corruption Day 2022 - #UnitedAgainstCorruption WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party of the United States strongly supports the efforts of governments and organizations to combat corruption and promote transparency. Green Party Banking and Monetary Reform (BMRC) and Eco-Action Committee members observe International Anti-Corruption Day to highlight the prevalence of corruption and its negative effect on people's lives worldwide. Continue reading

Greens endorse Railroad Workers United demands for sick days and workers' rights

The Green Party joins the rail workers reform caucus, Railroad Workers United, in calling on Congress to instead use the opportunity to empower workers, including by adopting publicly-owned railways, paid family and sick leave for workers, and expanded union rights by passing the PRO Act as well funding the NLRB to ensure union rights are protected.   Continue reading

Greens slam Biden administration for impeding climate action at COP27

The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the U.S. criticized the Biden administration as the United States once again impeded climate action at the recently concluded COP27 in Egypt. “The head of the United Nations and leading scientists have repeatedly warned that the time to avoid climate collapse is running out and that the commitments made by governments worldwide are grossly inadequate. While the GOP have been climate deniers, the Democrats have long promoted climate delay, blocking critical action to halt fossil fuel burning as quickly as possible. The U.S. has been the biggest contributor to climate change and under Biden and Kerry it remains one of the biggest obstacles to saving life on the planet,” said Mark Dunlea, co-chair of EcoAction. Continue reading

Green Party Pushes For Ballot Access In Eight States - Says Party Suppression Equals Voter Suppression

A key goal for the Green Party each election cycle is for state green parties to gain or retain ballot access, which ensures a line on the ballot for Green candidates for upcoming elections. Having an ongoing ballot line means easier ballot access, allowing state parties to focus their efforts on outreach instead of having to petition for higher numbers of signatures and meet other onerous requirements that smaller parties without ballot access are required to fulfill.  Continue reading

2022 Green Party candidates to watch with campaign highlights

Campaign overview There are at least 110 Greens running in November 2022 elections, including U.S. Senate (4), U.S. House (10), Governor (7), Lt. Governor (4), Secretary of State (4), State Senate (11), State House (19), County Supervisor (3), Mayor (1), City Council (8), School Board (9), and Water Board (7). Greens are running for office in 26 states and hold elected office in 18 states. Follow election night returns here. Continue reading

No More War In Ukraine

Because the United States is fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, it is important that the Green Party of the United States have an official statement regarding its position on the war in Ukraine. It is especially important because of the grave danger of nuclear war in which the government has placed our country and the rest of the world. Because one of the Green Party pillars is Peace, we should have a position that is likely to end the hostilities and resolve the differences between Russia and Ukraine in a peaceful manner. The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) endorse the following statement, on October 10th, 2022, as the official position of GPUS regarding the war in Ukraine. Continue reading

Green Party of the United States mourns Founder John Rensenbrink

The Green Party of the United States mourns the passing of one of its esteemed founding members and leaders, John Rensenbrink. He passed away peacefully surrounded by his family in hospice on July 30, 2022. He was 93 and transitioned one month before his 94th birthday. Greens are remembering John Rensenbrink for his role as prime mover and leader of an independent political party dedicated to ecology, social and economic justice, democracy, and nonviolence and for the intellectual weight he gave the Green Party movement as a global imperative as awareness of the climate crisis emerged. Continue reading

2022 Inflation Reduction Act Capitalizes On A World In Crisis

WASHINGTON, DC – The Green Party of the United States warned today that the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act allows corporations to capitalize on a world in crisis by expanding massive new oil and gas leasing in disproportionately impacted Indigenous, Black and People of Color communities. We need bold action targeted at a just transition, environmental justice, and to immediately halt fossil fuel projects to address the climate emergency by 2030.  Continue reading