Greens run in fall 2019 elections
At least 62 Greens are running in elections in September, October and November 2019. At least 43 Greens have run in winter, spring and summer 2019 elections, with 18 elected.
Most are running for a variety of positions: city and town councils, soil and water commissions, school boards, township trustees, and zoning boards. A few are seeking seats for state legislature or statewide office.
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Allegheny, PA. Greens Favor Civilian Police Review Board
Two members of the Allegheny County Council submitted a bill to create a countywide Civilian Police Review Board, similar to the board already in existence in Pittsburgh. A public hearing was held in August by Council, and below is testimony given by a Green Party spokesperson:Hi, my name is Jay Walker, and I'm the chair of the Green Party of Allegheny County. I represent the more than 1000 registered Green Party members who reside in this county. Our party endorsed an independent review board last September because it exemplified three out of the four pillars that form the foundation of our party.
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The Green Party denounces business deals and trade policies through which multinational corporations profit from the destruction of the Brazilian rainforest.
Private concerns are gutting the Amazon rainforest, contributing to fires, the loss of plant and animal species, and global warming through the release of carbon as trees are cleared. More than 74,000 fires have burned approximately 7,200 square miles this year in the Brazilian portion of the rainforest."Brazilian politicians are lobbying U.S. businesses like Cargill and Burger King for contracts by promoting the Amazon region for reckless and exploitative ranching, logging and mining operations," said Craig Seeman, member of the Green Party's Animal Rights Committee.
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PA Greens to Recruit Exciting Candidates for 2020
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) is seeking exciting candidates to run for state legislature and statewide elected positions in 2020. Individuals need not be currently registered Green to apply. GPPA Green Wave Team Leader Jenny Isaacs of Doylestown, says, "For activists already organizing around local and state issues -- like opposing fracking, pipelines, and toxic waste infrastructure, while promoting a living wage, affordable housing, and education equity -- the 2020 elections afford an opportunity to insist that candidates from the traditional duopoly address progressive alternatives."
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Green Party On Public Campaign Financing Commission Meeting: "Pivotal Moment" for New York Politics
NEW YORK, Aug 21, 2019 — The Green Party of New York (GPNY) said today's meeting of the Public Campaign Financing Commission, empaneled by the Governor and Legislature, has the opportunity to propose urgently-needed reforms to broaden and strengthen democracy in New York. GPNY officers stated they "support a system of full public campaign financing, broader than had been proposed by the Governor," and the "banning of fusion." Party officers also promised their members will express support of these reforms to the commission.
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Three PA Greens on the Ballot for General Election, November 5
PHILADELPHIA – Nomination papers for three Green Party of Pennsylvania candidates have been filed. None of those candidates were challenged, and they will be listed on the ballot for the General Election, November 5. The three candidates are Nicholas Prete, running for Methacton School Board in Montgomery County; Riley Mahon, running for Upper Saint Clair School Board in Allegheny County; and Charles Michael (Mike) Farley, running for Latimore Township Supervisor in Adams County.
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PA Greens respond to recent mass shootings
PHILADELPHIA – The Green Party of Pennsylvania reaffirms its core principles of peace and social justice in condemning the horrific mass shootings and the ideology that produced them.
Seeing people and planet as things to be conquered lies at the root of violence.
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Greens Call for Decisive Action On Gun Violence
Green Party leaders are calling for Congress to take swift and decisive action following an horrific mass shooting on August 3 at the Cielo Vista Mall Walmart location in El Paso, Texas, that has left at least 20 dead and dozens injured; and an early morning shooting on August 4 in a Dayton, Ohio, entertainment district that left 9 people dead and 16 wounded.. This weekend’s violence follows on the heels of a shooting in Gilroy, California, which left 3 people dead and 13 wounded. There have been 32 mass shootings in the United States this year.
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Stepping Out of Line – Dropping A Banner At FERC
PHILADELPHIA – The activist toolbox is deep, and it has many tools. Throughout the years, Marcellus Outreach Butler (MOB) has used many: door knocking, educational forums, testifying, leafleting, petitions, rallies, lobbying our elected officials, marches, projections, letters to the editor, and a host of traditional political tactics. These are all useful.
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Green Party Announces New Steering Committee Members
Steering Committee website, with co-chair bios and photos
The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States has announced the election of four co-chairs and secretary. Trahern Crews and Kristin Combs were newly elected as co-chairs, joining Gloria Mattera and Tony Ndege who were re-elected to a second term. David Gerry was elected secretary. The election results were announced at the National Committee meeting in Salem, Massachusetts, on July 27. The new Steering Committee members were elected to replace steering committee members whose terms had ended, and join continuing members Anita Rios, Margaret Flowers, Justin Beth and Hillary Kane.
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