Greens demand Congress cut off military aid to Saudis, withdraw support for Yemen war
President Trump’s Yemen Veto Turns Our Constitution Upside-down
The Green Party Peace Action Committee calls on the US House and Senate to overturn the President's veto by the required two-thirds majority to not only end our involvement in the immoral war in Yemen, but to reclaim congressional authority over the imperial presidency. “This war is yet another in a string of illegal wars carried on by the US without the declaration of war by Congress, as required under the US Constitution in Article I Section 8,” said B. Keith Brumley, Secretary of the Wisconsin Green Party, “Congress has not declared war since 1941.”
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Happy Earth Day 2019
Celebrate Earth Day 2019 By Supporting the Green Party's Green New Deal
San Francisco, CA – The Green Party of California released the following statement today on Earth Day 2019.
In 1969, a three million gallon oil spill despoiled the coast of Santa Barbara and was the impetus for the creation of Earth Day. On April 22, 1970, twenty million people in the United States took part in Earth Day events and vowed to protect our only home. This year, it is expected that almost one billion people will recognize Earth Day, but it isn't enough. Only a few countries are to blame and ours is one of them.
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Greens Call for Green Economy to Combat Climate Change
Greens blast corporate cash-in from looming climate disasters and economic collapse; call for new economic paradigm to address effects of climate change.
Betting on disaster brings profit for a few while the public pays the real cost in terms of pubic health and infrastructure.
A Green New Deal will provide “green jobs” to aid transition away from fossil fuel economy.
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PA Greens Support Renewable Energy, Not Nuclear Power
The Green Party has a long history of supporting renewable energy and conservation as tools in the struggle against climate change. The platform of the Green Party of the U.S. calls for "a rapid reduction in energy consumption through energy efficiency and a decisive transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear power toward cleaner, renewable, local energy sources."Unfortunately, the nuclear power industry has been seeking another bailout from taxpayers. So far, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York have agreed, and the industry is now asking Pennsylvania taxpayers for a similar bailout. Their request can be found in PA House Bill 11 (HB 11), introduced by Rep. Thomas "Three-Mile-Island" Mehaffie (R-Dauphin), and in PA Senate Bill 510 (SB 510), introduced by Sen. Ryan P. Aument (R-Lancaster).
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Green Party of Michigan leaders react to arrest of Julian Assange
Strong Support For Wikileaks Publisher's Immediate Release Among Michigan Greens
(DETROIT, MI – 04/15/2019) Leaders and members of the Green Party of Michigan issued strong reactions to the arrest of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange by Metropolitan Police officers last Thursday. Greens cited journalistic freedoms and whistleblower protections should be available to Assange, who has been confined inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012.
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Green Solutions for Governor Newsom's Climate Crisis Challenges
San Francisco, CA – The Green Party of California released the following statement today on Green Solutions for Governor Newsom's Climate Crisis Challenges
For Earth Day 2019, the Green Party of California reaffirms its commitment to ecological wisdom and social justice, as two of the four pillars set forth by the Green Party of the United States. The current climate crisis that has brought wildfires and floods to our communities is the result of decades of profit-focused energy and environmental policies by our elected officials. In California, low-income communities and communities of color are most likely to live near refineries, fracking wells, flood-prone and fire-prone areas, leaving them most vulnerable to the catastrophic impact of climate change.
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Green Party Calls for Release of Julian Assange
Green Party Members Organize Protest at UK Embassy in Washington, DC at 5:00 p.m. today
The Green Party of the United States strongly and unequivocally condemns the arrest of Julian Assange and calls for his immediate release. Assange was expelled from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London this morning and is being held in the United Kingdom for extradition to the United States, where he is very likely to face espionage charges. Assange is the publisher of Wikileaks, which published documents exposing US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, human rights violations at the Guantanamo Bay prison and State Department cables that showed corporate corruption of US foreign policy.
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Greens blast bipartisan legislation blocking free public electronic tax filing system
As the April 15th federal tax filing deadline arrives, Greens blast impending bipartisan legislation blocking the IRS from creating a free, public electronic tax filing system. Under pressure from lobbyists from for-profit tax preparation companies, the House Ways and Means Committee passed the H.R. 1957, the Taxpayer First Act, on April 11. If approved by the Senate, the wide-ranging bill would make several administrative changes to the IRS. One of the bill’s key provisions would make it illegal for the IRS to create its own online system of tax filing.
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The Green Party of PA Stands Against Plan to Cut Assistance to the Poor
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) stands against PA House of Representative Bill 33 (HB 33) which -- if passed -- will end General Assistance to the poor.General Assistance is for low-income residents who need help, but don’t qualify for traditional welfare because they don’t have dependents. Currently, there are more than 6,600 enrollees in the program. More than half of them live in Philadelphia. Allegheny County has the next most enrollees. For instance:
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Green Party at Supreme Court to promote public funding of elections and increase representation by women
Green Party members met on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., Wednesday afternoon to demand public funding of elections.
Green Party members are lobbying their senators and representatives this week to agree to accept only public funding for their campaigns and to sponsor a bill to bar special interest PAC, corporate, and dark money donations from all elections.
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