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Rent Reduction Now!

As you know, rent in California has skyrocketed for many families. Too many corporate landlords have taken advantage. Too many people are out on the street, and even children are worried that their family could be next.  That’s why our Green Party campaign for Congress is calling for a bold new policy: National Rent Reduction. Rent shouldn't be more than 15% of a family’s income (Californians now pay around 40% of income on rent).  Continue reading

State of the State: Greens Say Cuomo Fiddles While Planet Burns

ALBANY, NY – 1/8/2020 – Green Party of New York (GPNY) officers have released a statement responding to Governor Cuomo’s 2020 State of the State address, castigating New York’s top Democrat for ignoring real solutions to issues like the climate emergency and instead focusing on “small-bore, low-stakes reforms” that “pose no threat to his wealthy donors.” “Cuomo’s most ambitious move since his party’s takeover of the legislature last year was to install a commission to kill off minor parties in New York, under the guise of public campaign finance,” said GPNY Co-Chair Peter LaVenia.  Continue reading

No War With Iran

SAN FRANCISCO – The Green Party of California condemns the hostile military action by the United States’ administration in recently assassinating military leaders of Iran and Iraq. Such acts violating international law, as well as other provocations and threats against sovereign nations, will lead to more endless wars and devastation in the Middle East and the entire world, while endangering our military personnel who are being needlessly deployed as war fodder for misguided and failed foreign policies. Continue reading

PA Green Party announces 2020 presidential caucus

PHILADELPHIA – On December 30, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) Steering Committee announced that their 2020 Presidential Caucus will take place during the month of April 2020. The Steering Committee further called for all Pennsylvania County Green Parties to schedule a county Presidential Caucus during their April membership meeting. Currently, there are seven candidates seeking the Green Party nomination for President of the U.S. They are Howie Hawkins of New York, Dario Hunter and Dennis Lambert of Ohio, Sedinam Moyowasiza-Curry of California, David Rolde of Massachusetts, Ian Schlakman of Maryland, and Chad Wilson of Tennessee. Continue reading

Where do you stand on the Assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani?

Hoffman Calls Out Senator Booker and Presidential Candidate Booker It was way back in 2001 when I heard these words spoken by Robert Jensen, "The world cannot afford any more U.S. patriotism." I took those words to include notions of so-called "American exceptionalism." On Thursday, January 2nd, as the world ushered in a new year, the world saw yet another example as to why. I first heard these words shortly after 9/11, when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan illegally on October 7, 2001 and about 18 months before the U.S. recklessly and illegally invaded Iraq. Both actions had nothing to do with 9/11. I opposed the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 despite those who called me unpatriotic and suggested I leave the country. The U.S. remains in Afghanistan, more than 17 years later, in the nation's longest war.  Continue reading

Anti-war protest in Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH – A number of Greens were in attendance at the Troops Out of Iraq / No War on Iran rally on Saturday. It was an eventful rally as speakers talked about the true costs of war and the need to end US imperialism. David Hughes spoke on behalf of the Green Party about the US’s long history of lying to get into wars. The event was even disrupted by apparent Nazis shouting anti-semitic slogans, but the crowd gave them the boot pretty quickly once identified. Continue reading

Terminate the war machine

Lost amongst the media's coverage of Trump's assassination of Soleimani is the fact that, last month, the Democratic Party caved to GOP demands by allowing more funding for war with Iran. Like most members of the Democratic Party, my opponent, the 14-term Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, voted YES to more arms for Trump, all the while pretending to oppose Trump by voting for impeachment. This lines up well with Democratic Party history: Remember when Hillary Clinton said the U.S. should "totally obliterate" Iran? Continue reading

Green Party of Virginia opposes new fossil fuel infrastructure; calls for Real Green New Deal

Green Party of Virginia calls for Real Green New Deal RICHMOND Va – At this time when we must ban all new fossil fuel infrastructure including the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Mountain Valley Pipeline and Buckingham Compressor Station in Union Hill, Democratically controlled Virginia is threatening two new compressor stations, one in Prince William County and one in the city of Chesapeake, and the expansion of the existing Ladysmith compressor station in Caroline County.  Continue reading

Green Party of Virginia condemns recent airstrikes on Iraq

Green Party of Virginia Calls for De-Escalation of Tension RICHMOND, VA -- The Green Party of Virginia condemns the recent airstrike on Iraqi soil by the Trump administration which targeted and killed high ranking Iranian and Iraqi officials. This strike is likely illegal under U.S. and international law, made without consultation of Congress, the United Nations or the Iraqi government. The Pentagon has also failed to provide exculpatory evidence of a direct threat against American soil, despite its claims of acting in self-defense. Continue reading

Indiana Green Party Statement

INDIANAPOLIS –  The Indiana Green Party condemns the recent unilateral U.S. killing of Qasem Soleimani, the escalating use of military force and might, and the above reproach aggression by the military-industrial complex and its enablers. Our actions facilitate a decline in stability in the Middle East resulting in a cycle of violent aggression and retaliation. The murder of Iranian military leader, Qasem Soleimani, further threatens stability and is one of many examples of violence giving rise to more complex conflict throughout the world. The long-term consequences of such a careless foreign policy will further erode a path towards peace. Continue reading