If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Get Mad!

We’re furious. Livid. Seething. The Democrats spent the last four years demonizing the Green Party. They blamed us for their failures. They told lies about Jill Stein acting like a Russian tool. We saw how they undemocratically kicked us off the ballot in state after state, but continued to cynically whip up hysteria about a vote for Green candidates. Continue reading

Statement of the Green Party of Philadelphia concerning the police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. on October 26, 2020

We, the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP), wish to express our deepest, warmest condolences to the family and friends of Walter Wallace Jr., another young Black man mercilessly gunned down by officers of the Philadelphia Police Department (PD).We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Philadelphia PD’s over reliance on lethal force, and we unapologetically support the constitutionally protected right of protesters to rise up against yet another police murder. Despite the fervent efforts of Walter Wallace Jr.’s mother to calm her son, the whole world witnessed how Wallace Jr. was shot and killed in front of his mother, as she begged them not to shoot. Continue reading

Souls To The Polls

Souls To the Polls has been a voting tradition in the Black Community for over 60 years. According to theconversation.com:Modern efforts picked up momentum during the years after World War II, especially during the era of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Most African Americans were denied the right to vote prior to the 1965 Voting Rights Act being signed into law. As a result, Black Americans were grossly underrepresented in the political system while simultaneously marginalized within the economy and social order through racial segregation laws. Continue reading

Volunteer this tuesday to get Greens elected in Pennsylvania

Election day is Tomorrow, Tuesday November 3rd! One of our most important days of the year to reach voters is on election day, so we're asking one more time for volunteers to support our Green candidates in PA! Please contact their campaigns to learn more about how you can help at the polls! Continue reading

International day of solidarity with the independence of Puerto Rico

October 30th, 2020, marked the 70th anniversary of the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico's uprising in Jayuya, Puerto Rico, in 1950, against the United States Military Government, which was brutally imposed on Puerto Rico by Washington DC. The Latinx Caucus supports the decolonization and Independence of Puerto Rico as a sovereign Nation and joined the International Community in a Media Blitz to establish henceforth on that day, October 30th, "International Day of Solidarity with the Independence of Puerto". Continue reading

Red, White, Blue, and ... Green!

Democrat and Republican. Liberal and Conservative. Left and Right. The United States is dominated by a bipartisan system. These two poles vehemently oppose each other, demanding that citizens choose a side. The media perpetuates this bipartisanship, almost exclusively covering these two parties. Yet, more than 60 other political parties are currently active throughout the country. Some of them, such as the Libertarian and Vermont Progressive Parties, are represented in Congress or state legislators. Others, such as the Green Party, have representatives serving at the municipal level. Continue reading

Lisa For Maine Rejects Debate Censorship, Assembles Own People's Summit

The final weeks of the Lisa for Maine campaign to elect Lisa Savage to the U.S. Senate have been a whirlwind of voter outreach, press hits, and friction with the mainstream corporate parties and media outlets who continue to show little interest in democratic participation, despite our game-changing ranked-choice voting race.  Continue reading

Remember to vote ... only four days to election day

Learn about Green candidates and our positions on the CA propositions and VOTE TODAY! Look up ballot drop box LOCATIONS; Vote in-person or early at your POLLING PLACE; TAKE YOUR BALLOT WITH YOU. Continue reading

Meiklejohn for State Representative

\It's not too late to contribute to the groundbreaking campaign that can help elect a Green Independent to the Maine Legislature and reopen the House Green Independent Minority Office to keep the Democrats and Republicans in check.  The voters in my district have responded with an unexpected level of support. I have mailed 4,000 voters, placed 200 signs around the district and have started running radio spots on four stations.  However, the radio spots are only running minimally. Preferably, I would like to double my airwave presence to more effectively convince voters that I am a credible candidate.  Continue reading

US Senate candidate Savage hosts people's summit tonight

While WMTW failed to do what four other debate organizers have done this election cycle -- invite all four Senate candidates -- Lisa Savage plans to address the issues that WMTW has effectively locked out of its debate with a: "People's Summit" Thursday, Oct. 29, 6:00 p.m. ET Portland Public Access Ch 5 | https://reflect-pmc-me.cablecast.tv/CablecastPublicSite/watch/2?channel=1 Continue reading