The Green Party of New Jersey Annual Convention
Join the Green Party of New Jersey for our annual statewide convention! Breakfast & lunch will be provides both days (gluten-free, vegan options).
Featured panel : Human Rights & The Green Road Forward with Ajamu Baraka, Miko Peled, and Seth Kaper-Dale.
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Media Advisory: Green Party National Political Organizer to speak at 12th Annual Peace & Justice Gathering, April 8 in Texas
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Adrián Boutureira, National Political Organizer of the Green Party of the United States, will be a keynote speaker at 12th Annual Peace and Justice Gathering in Texas on Saturday, April 8.
The gathering will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at South Texas College, Weslaco, Texas, in Building G.
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Candidates Jointly File To Declare Special Election in 197th District Null and Void
Cheri Honkala, Lucinda Little, Green Party of Pennsylvania, Republican City Committee of Philadelphia, & Republican State Committee File in U.S. District Court for New Special Election
Cheri Honkala and Lucinda Little, candidates for Pennsylvania State Representative in the 197th district, will be speaking to the press about their lawsuit regarding the widespread election fraud and voter intimidation that occurred in the March 21 special election. These instances violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution, the Federal Voting Rights Act, as well as the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Election Codes. Therefore, Honkala and Little are seeking the election to be declared void and a new election held.
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Green Party opposes fracked-gas plant in Nicetown
Green Party opposes SEPTA gas power plant, Endorses Jules Mermelstein for PA Superior Court Judge At the March Membership Meeting of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP), members voted to endorse the opposition campaign to the proposed SEPTA fracked-gas power plant in Nicetown. Despite the SEPTA board voting to approve the project, the Green Party voted to support the ongoing efforts to resist the building of the gas power plant.
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Green Party candidates in April 4 elections in Calif., Ill., Mo., and Wis.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- At least 17 Green Party candidates are running for public office in various elections on Tuesday, April 4, including contenders for Mayor of St. Louis and U.S. Representative in Los Angeles, three incumbents for local office in Illinois, and two incumbents in Wisconsin.
The Green Party is focusing on local and statewide elections after the tumultuous 2016 presidential election year. At least 142 Greens hold elected office in 17 states as of the November 2016 elections.
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Green Party to Sen. Bernie Sanders: Introduce Single-Payer / Medicare For All in your Senate bill
Instead of tweaks for Obamacare, Greens urge big push for Medicare For All: Everybody in, nobody out, pay less, live longer
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders called on Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.-Ind.) to introduce a bill in the U.S. Senate for Single-Payer national health care (Medicare For All) and to drop the idea of legislation for a public option to be incorporated into the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
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Green Party of Ohio: Single Payer Is The Solution
Cleveland OH: The Green Party of Ohio has observed with interest the false "debate" that has occurred in Washington DC and in statehouses around the country.
We realize that the "Affordable Care Act", better known as Obamacare, is a flawed law that has never lived up to the promises the Democratic Party talked about during its passage.
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Author Visits Atlanta, Deconstructs Domestic Anti-terrorism Policy
Asserts it is based on flawed theories and junk science
Dr. Arun Kundnani, author of "The Muslims Are Coming: Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War on Terror," will read from, discuss and sign his book at Charis Books and More, 1189 Euclid Ave, NE Atlanta, GA 30307. The event begins at 7:30 pm, Friday, March 31st. This event is co-sponsored by the Georgia Green Party, the Council for American Islamic Relations, Georgia and Charis Circle. Dr. Kundnani has just returned from London where he met with activists dealing with the Islamophobic reactions to last week's violent rampage which killed four and injured twenty-nine. He will address the latest developments in Europe and inside the Trump Administration.
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Green Party Elects First Black Woman Chair of Any Illinois Political Party
On Saturday, March 25th, the membership of the Illinois Green Party at their statewide Membership Meeting elected Zerlina Smith as party Chair. Ms. Smith will be the first Black woman to lead the Illinois Green Party, and the first Black chairperson of any established political party in the state of Illinois.
"This is the face of the Green Party right now," said Ms. Smith, immediately following her election. "This is a vibrant, diverse, and growing party, with people from all walks of life and all colors of skin."
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Honkala Joins Trans-Partisan Call For Election Investigation
Honkala along with Greens, Republicans, and Democrats call for full investigation of intimidation and election fraud
PHILADELPHIA, Pa — Numerous incidents of election fraud and voter intimidation were reported throughout the day of the special election, March 21, by voters, poll workers, and volunteers supporting the endorsed candidates of all three parties represented. Because of that, the Cheri Honkala campaign will join the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) and various local Democrats and Republicans in calling for an investigation into the anomalies and potential illegal actions that took place. An injunction will be filed to void the election and call for new special election.
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