GPVA Endorses Workers March in DC

Stands in Solidarity With Labor RICHMOND,VA – The Green Party of Virginia leadership has voted to endorse the Workers March scheduled for April 30 in Washington, DC. It encourages its members, supporters and friends to join in solidarity. In his first message to Congress Abraham Lincoln said it well, that "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves higher consideration." Continue reading

Green Party to join the March for Science, April 22 in Washington, D.C. and other locations

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Members of the Green Party of the United States will participate in the March for Science on Saturday, April 22, in Washington, D.C., as well as simultaneous satellite marches across the U.S. The Green Party has endorsed both the March for Science and the People's Climate Movement March for Jobs, Justice and the Climate, April 29, also in Washington, D.C. Continue reading

Green Party of Ohio opposes First Energy's repeated bailout requests

Cleveland OH: The Green Party of Ohio has issued a statement opposing the latest attempt by First Energy to receive rate-payer borne subsidies to save itself from years of mismanagement. Back in December 2015, we publicly opposed the bailout deal that was being asked of the Public Utility Commission of Ohio. Now First Energy has help in the Statehouse where Senate Bill 128 has been introduced. This bill would force ratepayers in NE Ohio to pay more money out of pocket to keep the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants, both owned by First Energy, profitable to operate for the company. Once again, First Energy is threatening to shutter the plants if financial help is not forthcoming, the same threat that was made in 2015. Continue reading

Green Party helps fight Islamophobia: publishes guide for Green candidates and activists

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party's Coordinated Campaign Committee has released a briefing paper titled "Islamophobia: Another Social Construction of Racism". The paper is a guide for use by Green candidates and activists. "We are very pleased indeed to offer this new tool for Green Party candidates and activists," said Hillary Kane, co-chair of the committee. "We want to help Green Party activists be effective organizers in resistance to the frightening Islamophobic rhetoric and policies coming from the current administration." Continue reading

Green Party statement on Trump's missile strike in Syria

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States strongly condemned President Donald Trump's unilateral cruise missile strike on a Syrian government airfield and called for a halt to further overt and covert military action by the U.S. Greens called for an internationally cooperative and impartial investigation of the nerve gas attack in Idlib province that killed scores of civilians, which supposedly motivated Mr. Trump to order the strikes. The U.S. alleges that the President Bashar al-Assad government is responsible for the gas attack, a claim disputed by some journalists covering the war. Continue reading

Green Party of Virginia Strongly Condemns Airstrikes

Richmond – The Green Party of Virginia, in accordance with International Law, is categorically opposed to unilateral military intervention in the affairs of any country, whether by the United States, Russia, or any other actor. Military operations directed against or within Syria are plainly illegal and contrary to the cause of peace, unless carried out either with the approval and cooperation of the international community or by invitation of the recognized government of Syria. The United States in particular is on record as having sought "regime change" in Syria since at least 2011, and therefore has no legitimacy or standing for intervening in that country. Continue reading

The Green Party of New Jersey Annual Convention

Join the Green Party of New Jersey for our annual statewide convention! Breakfast & lunch will be provides both days (gluten-free, vegan options). Featured panel : Human Rights & The Green Road Forward with Ajamu Baraka, Miko Peled, and Seth Kaper-Dale. Continue reading

Media Advisory: Green Party National Political Organizer to speak at 12th Annual Peace & Justice Gathering, April 8 in Texas

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Adrián Boutureira, National Political Organizer of the Green Party of the United States, will be a keynote speaker at 12th Annual Peace and Justice Gathering in Texas on Saturday, April 8. The gathering will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at South Texas College, Weslaco, Texas, in Building G. Continue reading

Candidates Jointly File To Declare Special Election in 197th District Null and Void

Cheri Honkala, Lucinda Little, Green Party of Pennsylvania, Republican City Committee of Philadelphia, & Republican State Committee File in U.S. District Court for New Special Election Cheri Honkala and Lucinda Little, candidates for Pennsylvania State Representative in the 197th district, will be speaking to the press about their lawsuit regarding the widespread election fraud and voter intimidation that occurred in the March 21 special election. These instances violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution, the Federal Voting Rights Act, as well as the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Election Codes. Therefore, Honkala and Little are seeking the election to be declared void and a new election held. Continue reading

Green Party opposes fracked-gas plant in Nicetown

Green Party opposes SEPTA gas power plant, Endorses Jules Mermelstein for PA Superior Court Judge At the March Membership Meeting of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP), members voted to endorse the opposition campaign to the proposed SEPTA fracked-gas power plant in Nicetown. Despite the SEPTA board voting to approve the project, the Green Party voted to support the ongoing efforts to resist the building of the gas power plant. Continue reading