2017 Occupy Inauguration and Women's March activities
The DC Statehood Green Party in conjunction with the National Green Party of the United States invite fellow Statehood Greens, Greens, and our political and community allies to join us as we demonstrate our solidarity and our resolve to resist hatred, corporate plundering of our communities, and tyranny characterized by the incoming administration. Bring your songs, puppets, banners, shirts, hats, buttons and other items to show your solidarity!!!!
Come join fellow Greens and advocates for political transformation on Jan. 20 and 21 at Occupy Inauguration - the Washington DC protest addressing the real problem: the bipartisan meltdown that Trump represents! AND the Women's March in Washington, DC. Occupy Inauguration is a broad-based collaboration among social justice organizations including the US Green Party, Occupy Wall Street, Socialist Alternative, Indigenous Environmental Network, Code Pink, Popular Resistance, the Native Organizers Alliance, Veterans for Peace, Liberty Tree, Move to Amend, Roots Action, Disabled Americans for Change and many more.
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Green Party: Republican plan to repeal Obamacare should spark a new public demand for Single-Payer health care
Greens will participate in Health Care Justice demo at Trump Tower in NYC on Jan. 13 and Occupy Inauguration events in DC on Jan. 20 and 21
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders said that the Republican plan to repeal Obamacare, Medicare, and Medicaid should motivate Americans to demand Single-Payer national health care ("Medicare For All").
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Green Party local forms in Flint, Michigan, elects officers
FLINT, Mich. – Green Party members from Genesee and Shiawassee Counties gathered last Saturday for the inaugural meeting of Vehicle City Greens. This new local chapter of the Green Party of Michigan covers both Genesee and Shiawasee Counties. 24 people attended the meeting, which was held at the Flint Public Library on Kearsley St at 11:00 am.
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Green Party Calls Cuomo's Tuition Plan Wholly Inadequate
Albany, NY – The Green Party of New York called the Cuomo tuition-plan unveiled today wholly inadequate and said the reports of it making college free or affordable-for-all were false. The Greens pointed out that Cuomo's plan does not cover the $14,000 in yearly room, board and fees and would still leave students with $55,000 worth of debt from SUNY/CUNY 4-year schools. Party officers also said that it does nothing to address three decades worth of funding cuts at state schools. The Green Party called on Governor Cuomo and the Legislature to fully fund state schools and make college completely free, including tuition, room, board and fees so that students leave with no debt, as they do in most other nations, and to return to a program of open admissions so that college is truly open to all.
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The Green Party of Atlantic County Supports EHTSD Transgender Student Policy
The Green Party of Atlantic County (GPAC) supports the Egg Harbor Township School District’s (EHTSD) proposed policy regarding Transgender Students. This policy would put the rights of personal identity where they belong, with the student in all instances where the student is able to advocate for themselves. This policy aligns with the Green Party’s affirmation of self-determination with regards to a person’s gender identity and sex.
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NJ Greens Oppose South Jersey Gas Pipeline
The Green Party of New Jersey stands in strong opposition to the new gas pipeline project proposed by South Jersey Gas.
This pipeline would run 22 miles through protected areas of the Pinelands National Reserve, in sensitive forest areas in Cumberland, Atlantic, and Cape May Counties. The risk the pipeline poses to the environment and human water supplies greatly outweighs any benefit that may come from its construction.
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Green Party endorses Occupy Inauguration; Greens will participate in protests on Jan. 20 and 21
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States has endorsed Occupy Inauguration, as Greens prepare to participate in events planned for Jan. 20 and Jan. 21.
Occupy Inauguration will feature a mass rally and protest in Washington, D.C. to coincide with President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration.
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Judge Stops Recount, Green Party Calls For Voting Integrity
The Green Party of Pennsylvania calls for the elimination of Direct Recording Electronic voting machines and replacement with a verifiable paper ballot. Paper ballots can be tabulated with an optical scanner. This system is now used in several Pennsylvania counties. Random audits can verify the accuracy of the scanners.
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Iowa Green Party Statement of Support for Stein Recount Effort
The Iowa Green Party expresses thanks and support for the recount effort that was initiated by Dr. Jill Stein, 2016 Green Party presidential candidate.
We thank Dr. Stein for creating an opportunity for elections researchers to gather data critical to uncovering technical and logistical problems, potential for electronic fraud, and voter suppression.
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Green Party of New York Supports Stein Campaign Recount
New York - The Green Party of New York declared its support of the recount effort launched by 2016 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein. Party officers added the recount effort was focused on election integrity and making sure all votes are counted, a fundamental principle of grassroots democracy and the Green Party.
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