If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Join with Philly Greens and others as they celebrate the release of Chelsea Manning

  Welcome Home Chelsea Manning! Join the Green Party of Philadelphia and other local groups on this International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, as we celebrate Chelsea Manning's release from military prison after seven years! Meet at JFK Blvd and Broad Street in Philadelphia on May 17th at 4:30 pm. Continue reading

Philly Greens to discuss rebuilding the peace movement

  Rebuild the Peace Movement in Philly. What can you do to organize? The Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP, www.gpop.org) will hold a membership meeting at 7:00 pm on Thursday, May 25, at Shissler Recreation Center, 1800 Blair Street (near Girard Ave) in Fishtown, Philadelphia. At the meeting, Green Party members will discuss the results of the corporate parties’ primary election and ways to build the peace movement in our fair city. Continue reading

Rally against SEPTA power plant on May 18

350 Philadelphia and Northwest Philly Residents to Rally at Councilwoman Cindy Bass’s Office, Calling for Action to Stop Construction of SEPTA’s Nicetown Power Plant On Thursday May 18, from 3:30–5:00 PM, 350 Philadelphia (a grassroots environmental group), community members from Nicetown, Tioga, Germantown, and Mt. Airy, and allies will rally outside Councilwoman Cindy Bass’s district office in Nicetown. They will urge the councilwoman to protect her constituents’ health and a livable climate by working to rezone SEPTA’s Nicetown property in order to block construction of a polluting natural gas power plant. Continue reading

Green Party of California General Assembly

The General Assembly is the primary decision-making body of the Green Party of California (GPCA) and consists of delegates from each active county organization recognized by the GPCA. The General Assembly generally meets twice a year, once in Northern California and once in Southern California. The General Assembly of the Green Party of California will be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 17-18th in Sacramento at the beautiful Camp Pollock. The General Assembly Planning Committee is asking that counties submit a list of their selected delegates to the State Meeting Planning Committee no later than Friday, June 9th. Continue reading

Green Party Of Hawai'i 2017 Annual State Convention

THE 2017 ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION of the Green Party of Hawai`i (GPH) will be held on Hawai`i Island, Saturday, June 10th, 2017 at the Kona Elks Lodge The business meeting begins promptly at 2:00 PM and we will adjourn the meeting at 4:00 PM. People wishing to stay longer and discuss all things GPH can stay and use the lanai after the meeting.We will have a potluck before the meeting, so please bring a dish to share. We hope to see you there! Call Bob Jacobson at 808-966- 8831 if you have questions. Continue reading

May 2017 Greater Boulder Green Party Newsletter

The Green Party stands in solidarity with indigenous nations fighting the Direct Access Pipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock. We will consider a resolution to honor Greens from Colorado who have resisted DAPL and worked on-site at Standing Rock. Upcoming MeetingSaturday May 13th @ 3-5 p.m in the Flagstaff room, Main Branch Library, 1001 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80302 Continue reading

Green Party of New Orleans statement on monuments

The Green Party of New Orleans enthusiastically supports the efforts of the Landrieu administration to remove monuments to white supremacy from the streets of New Orleans, and we wholeheartedly endorse the efforts of Take Em Down NOLA in pressing the demands of this cause. As students of history, we know that these monuments were not erected as memorials to the Civil War so much as symbols aiming to reinforce the dominant ideology of white supremacy. The Confederacy, after all, lost the war, and slavery was outlawed; the monuments were designed to say, "Yet still, we rule." They were designed to maintain and reproduce a harsh and rigid racial caste system. Continue reading

May meeting of the Green Party of Maricopa County

  The Green Party of Maricopa County monthly meeting will be held May 20th Saturday 10:30 am at the Central Library 1st floor - 1221 N. Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004 Please mark your calendars and tell others who are interested in learning about the Green Party. Please let us know if you have any agenda items to discuss. Our meetings will be split between guest speakers/topics of interest and GP business. Let us know if you need to video in to the meeting and we will try to arrange. Continue reading

Green Party of Tennessee announce state meeting

The Green Party of Tennessee will be holding our annual meeting on Saturday, June 17 in Nashville. We will be discussing upcoming plans, electing officers, sharing ideas and resources. This is the best opportunity to meet up with like-minded folks from all across Tennessee. Continue reading

Green Party of Texas State Convention

The Green Party of Texas will hold its Annual State Meeting on June 10 & 11 in Corpus Christi. Meeting rooms have been reserved at America's Best Value Inn, and delegates may reserve guest rooms at a discounted $50/night rate by mentioning they are booking with the GPTX group. To reserve your guest room, please contact the hotel directly at (361) 452-0504. We recommend that you reserve your accommodations as soon as possible to ensure space availability, however, there are also two other discount hotels (Valstay Inn & Suites and Howard Johnson) adjacent to the meeting location if additional capacity is needed. Delegates to the state party will meet to elect officers & national delegates, as well as to update by-laws, platform, and engage in other party building activities. A preliminary draft agenda may be viewed here. Continue reading