If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Report from the Maine Green Independent Party Convention

The Maine Green Independent Party held its 2017 Convention Sunday May 21st at the Vile's Arboretum in Augusta. The current Co-Chairs gave a welcome greeting. The MGIP has gone through a lot the past few years and this Convention was a breath of fresh air of things to come and a lot of hopeful folks who came out on a beautiful day to work towards that. For all who attended I thank you and look forward to moving forward with all of you to make the changes in Maine and beyond to work for the People, Peace and Planet over profit!   Continue reading

2017 Green Party of Utah State Convention

June 24th, 2017 will be the date of the annual Green Party of Utah State Convention. This event is open to the public, and we encourage participation from all. At the 2017 we will be electing party leadership. These leaders determination and vision will carry the Green Party of Utah into a new era of politics. If you envision a sustainable, equal, and just future in this state ... please come help us determine who will help to lead that vision into fruition. Continue reading

Pacific Green Party State Convention

The Pacific Green Party will be holding their state convention on Sunday, June 11 in Salem, Oregon. The meeting will be held at the Oregon School of Massage from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. The school is located at 2111 Front Street NE, Building 3, Salem OR 97301. Please RSVP on Facebook or email [email protected]Continue reading

Green Town Hall

The Green Party of Rhode Island is holding a Town Hall intended to build community discussion about topics and issues relevant to this part of Providence. Come to meet, mingle, and build a resistance to environmental, political, and social degradation in the heart of the city. Dr. Michael Fine MD will make a short presentation at this meeting about how to create a universal healthcare system on the municipal level. Dr. Fine has years of experience on the state level in public health and has developed a detailed schematic to use so to implement such a system. With multiple impending changes slated for the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare, this is a presentation you will not want to miss. Continue reading

Building People Power in the Time of Trump

The North Carolina Green Party (NCGP) is extremely pleased to present AJAMU BARAKA: Building People Power in the Time of Trump—The Path to Real Democracy.This event is free and open to the public. Donations to the NCGP are encouraged at https://ncgreenparty.nationbuilder.com/donate. Continue reading

North Carolina Greens to hold annual meeting

On Saturday, June 10, the North Carolina Green Party (NCGP) will hold its seventeenth statewide Spring Gathering at the Seedbed in Mebane, just outside Durham and Chapel Hill. NCGP members and nonmember supporters are both encouraged to attend. This event is free and open to the public. Donations to the NCGP are welcome at our Donate Page to help cover expenses. Continue reading

Jersey Greens support AT&T workers

40,000 workers at AT&T just announced that they will walk off the job TODAY Friday May 19 at 3pm ET if they haven't won a fair union contract by then. Workers have been at the bargaining table for months fighting for good jobs against a company dead set on lining its pockets at the expense of the workers who make them billions. Editors note: Union employees of AT&T walked off the job at 3:00 pm ET. This will be the biggest strike in the United States since 40,000 Verizon workers walked out last year, and may be the biggest strike of retail workers at a national company in U.S. history. The strike would include 21,000 retail and call center workers at AT&T Wireless across the country, and 17,000 AT&T West landline and DIRECTV workers in California and Nevada, along with landline workers in Connecticut. This is what working class people need to do more of if we want to stop the capitalist class from continuing their assault on workers. Continue reading

Springfield Celebrates the Release of Chelsea Manning

The Sangamo Valley Green Party will be hosting a gathering of activists today at 6:00 pm in the Old State Capitol Plaza in Springfield, Illinois to observe the release of Chelsea Manning, following President Obama's commutation of her 35 year sentence. Manning, who leaked evidence of US war crimes to WikiLeaks while serving in the army, was held for months in solitary confinement, a violation of international law. Springfield residents, including Greens, came out in 2012 to raise money for Manning's defense at a local Music for Manning fundraiser and the occasion of her release provides an opportunity for local activists to gather and celebrate Manning's freedom and the inspiration she represents to transparency advocates. Continue reading

Join with Philly Greens and others as they celebrate the release of Chelsea Manning

  Welcome Home Chelsea Manning! Join the Green Party of Philadelphia and other local groups on this International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, as we celebrate Chelsea Manning's release from military prison after seven years! Meet at JFK Blvd and Broad Street in Philadelphia on May 17th at 4:30 pm. Continue reading

Philly Greens to discuss rebuilding the peace movement

  Rebuild the Peace Movement in Philly. What can you do to organize? The Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP, www.gpop.org) will hold a membership meeting at 7:00 pm on Thursday, May 25, at Shissler Recreation Center, 1800 Blair Street (near Girard Ave) in Fishtown, Philadelphia. At the meeting, Green Party members will discuss the results of the corporate parties’ primary election and ways to build the peace movement in our fair city. Continue reading