Green Party Webinar on Climate and the Military
An aerial photo showing the Sunnah of flames in the market of the Al-Arab neighborhood in the city of Omdurman, Sudan on June 2, 2023
On Monday, December 9 the EcoAction Committee and the Green Party Peace Action Committee held a webinar on the issue of the military and climate change. Speakers included Haig Hovaness of GPAX; Prof. David Schwartzman of EcoAction; and Sue Ann Martinsen of End Military Madness Against the Earth.
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2024 Missouri Green Party Election Debrief
Please join the Missouri Green Party to discuss the 2024 election in Missouri and our strategy moving forward to grow the Green Party in our state.
Click Here to Register for the Statewide Monthly Elections Committee Zoom meeting on Wed. Dec. 18th at 7:00pm
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Come join the Conversation!!
Want to see what's happening inside the Illinois Green Party?
Have an idea or question you'd like to discuss? Just want to hangout and get to know us? We meet every Thursday night @ 8pm on Zoom. Come join the conversation!
Register and join here!
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Election Results Update: 78% California Greens WON their elections!
The Green Party of California is thrilled to share Green Party’s latest successes! California Green candidates secured a total of 14 local office seats: 2 City Council, 4 School Board, 5 Water or Irrigation Board, and 3 additional positions. A special shout out to Randy Marx who received the highest number of votes, totaling 2,644 for the Fair Oaks Water District, Division 4 seat in Sacramento County.
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D.C. Green Party Outpolls Republican Party for Delegate to U.S. House and At-Large City Council
On November 5, the Green Party nominee for two citywide partisan posts outpolled the Republican Party, in the District of Columbia.
For Delegate to the U.S. House, Green nominee Kymone Freeman received 21,873 votes, and Republican nominee Myrtle Patricia Alexander received 19,765.
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News from Alabama
The Alabama State Green Party meeting will be held on December 14! It's time to elect our state party officials and MORE! Details to come.
Please find below an example email/letter that you might consider sending to your city councilman or county commissioner. This website may help you find your local officials - - warning city councilmen usually take more sleuthing!
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Please join us in our demand for the ERA!
Below is important information about the ERA ratification and the sample letter to President Biden. Take the time to call, text, or write to President Biden as soon as you can!
The Green Party calls on President Biden to confirm and publish the Equal Rights Amendment in the US Constitution! Please join us in our demand for the ERA!
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Wisconsin Greens seeking candidates!
How often have you heard that the Green Party shows up every four years and then disappears? That's untrue; we have run thousands of candidates over the years. A while back, The Wisconsin Greens had 36 elected officials alone!
You can help get us back to those numbers by running for office next Spring. By doing this, we grow our vision of people, planet, and peace locally and allow voters to have a choice besides the two establishment parties.
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December 2024 Greenstar
Green Party 2024 Election Wrap-up
WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party of the United States thanked all Green candidates for public office in 2024, including presidential and vice-presidential candidates Jill Stein and Butch Ware, for running in a difficult election year, for representing the Green Party and its values, and for moving the party forward in its challenge to two-party rule.
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Green Party of Michigan Monthly Membership Meeting Announcement
This is a reminder to please attend our Green Party of Michigan working group meeting Dec. 14 at 11 a.m. Find the link to register below. We'll be discussing the latest GPMI activities around the state and petitions as organizing tools. Feel free to add to or comment on the draft agenda.
Green Party members and candidates gathered in Dearborn Nov. 5 for an election watch party with Dr. Jill Stein, GPUS's POTUS candidate. Stein won 22% of the vote in the city.
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