2022 Candidates

Below are noteworthy Green Party candidates currently running for office.
A complete list of 2022 Green candidates is located here.
Post-election Statements

Green Party candidates are seeking spots on the ballot for governor, lieutenant governor and U.S. Senator

A guide to the Green Party ticket and some of each candidates’ top issues. While most election talks are focused on red versus blue, there’s another color looking to get on the ticket in the commonwealth: green. The Green Party has fielded candidates for governor, lieutenant governor and U.S. Senate in a crucial election year in Pennsylvania. Despite the lack of electoral success for third parties, the Green Party is hopeful it can get its three candidates on the ballot in 2022. The party’s platform stands on four ideals: grassroots democracy, nonviolence, ecological wisdom and social justice. The candidates are seeking to be an alternative for apathetic voters tired of the two-party gridlock in Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. Continue reading

Howie Hawkins and Gloria Mattera will speak about their Green Party campaign for Gov. and Lt. Gov

News Conference: 11 am, Monday, April 25, 2022 Greens Petitioning for Gubernatorial Ticket Ballot Access Campaign Calls for Inclusive Democracy and an Ecosocialist Green New Deal Continue reading

Bagdes-Canning: Let's Expose the Rank Hypocrisy of the Two Corporate Parties

My whole political outlook has changed since 2014, when I was called by a distraught parent about a fracked-gas well on fire near Summit Elementary in the Butler School District. As it turns out, the well wasn't on fire, it was flaring. That was still alarming. Flaring wells are emitters of all sorts of toxins, and this one was dangerously close to the school.I went around the neighborhood knocking on doors to find out what the neighbors thought, what they were saying. A woman standing by her mailbox told me, "I've lived here for 42 years. We all get along, but we don't talk about the tough things." After a few more minutes, I turned to walk away, and she called after me, "What can we do? They're so big, and we're so small. Continue reading

Green Ex-Marine: Matthew Hoh is a Different Kind of "Service Candidate"

In recent years, both major parties in the U.S. have been recruiting former members of the military, the foreign service, or national security agencies to run for Congress. Almost all of these so-called "service candidates" are either conservative Republicans or corporate Democrats, who quickly become part of the bi-partisan majority on Capitol Hill which rubber-stamps ever larger Pentagon budgets and fails to get big money out of politics. Continue reading

Upper Uwchlan resident DiGiulio running for governor

UPPER UWCHLAN, PA — Local watchdog Christina "PK" DiGiulio is running for governor of Pennsylvania as a Green Party candidate. Neighbor to Marsh Creek State Park, she has been actively opposing the Mariner East pipeline, fracking for plastics and the petrochemical infrastructure. She said she has many similar beliefs to most members of the Green Party and is endorsed by the Pennsylvania Green Party. Continue reading

Challenging the Bipartisan Consensus

An Evening with Ajamu Baraka and Matthew Hoh Register for this Zoom event on Albert Einstein said "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". That pretty much sums up the two-party system: we keep bouncing back and forth between the same old parties that gave us rampant inequality, endless war, and climate crisis - no wonder things aren't getting better. Continue reading

Green Party Candidate for PA Governor says, “I agree, ‘Delay Means Death’”

By Christina “PK” DiGiulio, Green Party candidate for Governor of PA I was reading some of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, which was released by the United Nations on February 28, and I was alarmed to learn some new estimates of the effects of our refusal to stop using fossil fuels. I felt like I was standing next to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres when he said, “Delay means death.” Continue reading

"End the War on Drugs" says Green Party Candidate for PA Lt. Gov.

Today, Michael Bagdes-Canning, the Green Party candidate for Lt. Governor of PA, has called for an end to the War On Drugs. In a conversation at his home in Cherry Valley, PA, Bagdes-Canning told voters:The War on Drugs is more than 50 years old, and it is America’s longest war. Like other wars, it has diverted trillions of dollars from our communities, militarized our police departments, claimed thousands of lives, decimated communities, and, largely, been waged in poor and working-class neighborhoods. Continue reading

An Evening with Jill Stein & Matthew Hoh

Peace activist and candidate for US Senate Matthew Hoh and Dr. Jill Stein, pioneering environmental health advocate and the Green Party's candidate for President in 2012 and 2016 recently hosted an on-line conversation. Jill and Matt spoke about the current moment of crisis in Ukraine and demanded that we build an independent political movement for people, planet, and peace over profit. Continue reading

Strategic Progressive Campaign for California Governor

It's time for a new vision to guide our politics. Mine is a campaign for social, economic, and environmental justice. California is a wondrous garden, a land of great plenty and immense resources. Yet for being the world's 5th largest economy, we have the highest poverty rate and homelessness of any state. We have massive agricultural, defense, shipping, and technology industries, but huge gaps between the rich and poor. There's plenty of wealth in California, but pushed into few hands, leaving far too many others struggling to barely survive. Continue reading