If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Young EcoSocialist Greens present Involvement Fair Teleconference

Attention all Greens ages under 35, the Young Greens of the US, aka the Young Ecosocialist Greens (YES), are having it's first Involvement Fair of the year and naturally we would love you to invite your Young Green friends to learn a little bit about what this National Youth Caucus does and how you might be able to get involved. Continue reading

New York State Committee Meeting

This Saturday, the Green Party of New York State Committee will be meeting at the First Presbyterian Church in Rensselaer, 34 Broadway, from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. The meeting is open to all registered Greens. Continue reading

Green Party of Virginia State Teleconference

Green Party of Virginia State Meeting (Teleconference)Sunday, February 10, 2019 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Information on how to join the meeting using either your telephone or computer with internet connection will be provided before the meeting. If using a computer, you will need access to broadband internet, a computer, speakers or headphones/earbuds, and a microphone to participate remotely. It is also possible to join using only your phone. This will be an online only meeting. Continue reading

Green Party Peace Action Committee Supports Withdrawal of U.S. Troops From Syria

Calls for Withdrawal of All Military Forces From the RegionThe Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) supports the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, consistent with its broader call to end all U.S. acts of military aggression, occupation and intervention in the internal affairs of all sovereign nations. Continue reading

Have a Green New Year

Rochester, NY – Now that the holidays are over and we're all getting back into the swing of things, it's time to continue the progress we've been making. January's monthly meeting gives us the opportunity to discuss what issues we should focus on and how those issues can help Green candidates running this year. Continue reading

President of Black Lives Matter Brooklyn enters into possible City Council Special Election Race

Brooklyn, NY – Advocate Anthony Beckford, has officially decided to explore running for the 45th City Council District, which may be vacated and up for Special Election if Councilman Jumaane Williams wins the upcoming Public Advocate Race on February 26th. Anthony has a proven track record in advocacy, legislation and safeguarding of resources for the community. Continue reading

January 2019 News from the Green Party of Washington

  Welcome to your new Green Party of Washington newsletter. We’re still working on an easy way for people to submit news for the Newsletter. For now you can send it to [email protected] Report from the Fall Gathering 2018 Continue reading

Fund the Government, Defend Migrants, No Trump Wall

The Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts calls for collective non-violent resistance at this critical time to prevent the deaths of more children at the US-Mexico border, stop funding for Trump’s border wall, and put our government back to work. Two children have died this month in the custody of CBP (Customs and Border Protection) at the US-Mexico border. Felipe Gómez Alonzo, age 8, and Jakelin Caal Maquín, age 7, were traveling with their fathers from Guatemala when they reached the border to request asylum.  Continue reading

MLK Birthday Celebration

St. Louis – Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. told us that "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Today, the social disease of racism is not confined to anti-immigrant hatred in the US. It has infected country after country in Europe. Hostility toward indigenous people is spreading through Latin America. Even India is witnessing anti-dalit and anti-adivasi hatred. Let us not forget the African diaspora and modern antipathy toward Africa. How can we rebuff this depravity and build a world for all? Continue reading

Annual Reorganizational Meeting

Please come join the Green Party of Snohomish County as we restructure and prepare for 2019. There is still so much work ahead as we fight for National Improved Medicare for All, Election Integrity, Climate Justice and more. We will meet at 6:00 pm on Monday, January 7th, 2019 at the Everett Public Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave., Everett, Washington. Continue reading