If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Vote Green November 6th in Wisconsin

Election Day is almost upon us, and we encourage you to vote if you have not done so already. Thankfully, the Wisconsin Green Party has some great candidates carrying our Green message with them on the campaign trail, and if you haven’t been acquainted with them, please meet our candidates: Continue reading

Arizona Green Party: Angela Green does not speak for us

The Arizona Green Party (AZGP) disassociates itself from the comments by Angela Green, former candidate for US Senate who endorsed Democratic Party candidate Kyrsten Sinema. Green does not speak for the AZGP. Her comments are her own. The AZGP does not endorse the candidates of the corporate ruling class. The AZGP is an eco-socialist political party and part of a world-wide movement for human needs before profits. We are independent of the corporate capitalist parties and accept no contributions from corporations. Green was not endorsed by the AZGP and was running as an individual on the Green Party ballot line because state law allows her to do so without our permission. Without consulting us, Green assumed the vacant slot created when our endorsed candidate Eve Reyes Aguirre, was sued off the ballot by Democratic Party operatives. Continue reading

Help Us @ the Polls!

The North Carolina Green Party is issuing an URGENT plea for volunteers to sign up for Election Day as well as the last week of Early Voting (which is the biggest week) We suspect there will be a lot of folks waiting until the last week or Election Day because of recent disruptions such as hurricane outages, etc. so your help is critical and greatly appreciated! Flyering at the polls is generally very easy – you occasionally have to be moderately aggressive, (particularly if there's a crowd) and smile, but aside from that, people are eager to see if there is any last minute information that may influence their decision. Continue reading

Reminder - Join the Green Power Rally in Berkeley with Jill Stein on Sunday

Green Power Rally in Berkeley Sunday October 28 6:30South Berkeley Senior Center at 2939 Ellis St. Berkeley, CA, 94703 Green Party 2016 Presidential Candidate, Dr. Jill Stein joins Bay Area Green Party Candidates in the November 6th Election, Laura Wells, Aidan Hill, Saied Karamooz, Mike Murphy. Join us at this Green Power Rally to hear the candidates' visions for social and environmental justice and a Green future!  Continue reading

The Green Party of Florida strongly supports Amendment 4

"This is the most important vote you can make this year." Florida is one of a handful of states that bars anyone convicted of a felony from voting for life — by far the largest state doing so. Florida's voting prohibition is the most powerful disenfranchisement mechanism in the country, with 10% of Florida adults currently so barred. Continue reading

Green Party of Colorado positions on 2018 statewide ballot issues

These positions were approved unanimously by the Green Party of Colorado state council on October 22, 2018. Amendment V: Lower Age Requirement for Members of the State Legislature – YES. Continue reading

Where the Green-Rainbow Party stands on Ballot Questions

Question 1 – Vote Yes If Question 1 passes and Massachusetts enacts the Patient Safety Act, we believe it will enhance nurses’ rights and improve health care for patients in our state. We stand with the broad coalition of nurses, patients, and family members, health and safety organizations, community groups, and unions that support a YES on Question 1 – many of whom see the issue addressed in this ballot question as part of a larger grassroots movement regarding health care rights. Continue reading

Elders Caucus in formation

A group of Green Party members representing 15 states have collaborated to create the initial components for building a Green Party Elders Caucus. The Elders Caucus is working towards accreditation by the Green Party Party of the United States. The accreditation process requires caucuses to demonstrate proof of membership of 100 members from over 15 states. Continue reading

GPOAC endorses the Gesher Theatre boycott

The Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC) endorses the Israel Gesher Theatre boycott and calls on the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust to respect the boycott and cancel the upcoming Gesher Theatre performances. The boycott is meant to call attention to Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs funding for the theatre as a way of diverting attention from violations of Palestinians’ human rights.GPOAC encourages all local Greens to attend the planned demonstration on opening night in Pittsburgh on October 11 at the August Wilson Center. Continue reading

Greens to speak at upcoming Peace Congress

The Peace Congress to End U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad. An Assembly to strategize for a broader, stronger movement to end the Wars. This is the first of what will be many Peace Congresses in the coming years where we work together to end militarism and violence, create an economy for people and the planet and secure a livable and just future. Don't miss this historic gathering! Visit bit.ly/EndTheWars2018 for a list of participating organizations. Continue reading