If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Amazon HQ2 Town Hall on Thursday

Amazon HQ2 Town Hall, Helpful or Harmful to Arlington, VA? Hosted by Our Revolution Arlington, and co-sponsored by the Arlington Greens. Continue reading

State Meeting in Florida

The Green Party of Florida will be holding it's Annual State Meeting for 2018 in West Palm Beach, Florida during the weekend of Friday June, 29th to Sunday July, 1st. Full details on venue locations as well as the official Agenda, all Offices/Appointments up for Election at the GPFL or GPUS level, and Motions/Proposals up for consideration by the General Membership will be forthcoming. Continue reading

Pennsylvania Greens summer retreat

On Saturday July 7 and Sunday July 8 the Green Party of Pennsylvania will be meeting in the beauty of Evansburg State Park in Collegeville to connect with one another, as well as the with the values, pillars, and issues that define us as a political party.  Saturday we will have some networking time and feature speakers, as well as a nature walk hosted by Philadelphia Green, Chris Robinson. Continue reading

Universal Healthcare I-1600 Needs Your Help

I-1600 is less than 30 days away from the deadline to get all signatures in to the Secretary of State. 522,000 Washington State residents don’t have any healthcare, and most of the rest of us are underinsured. Change is in our hands now. Insurance rates are going up 19% on average in Washington State next year, which will be devastating for working families. Trump wants to remove pre-existing conditions protection, which puts many of us and loved ones at risk. Continue reading

Green Party of Santa Clara June Newsletter

Congratulations to Kenneth Mejia and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for earning the votes of so many in their districts and getting through the top two primary and moving on to the November 6th General Elections! This is very exciting news for California Greens and we are proud to support these congressional candidate. THIS is the time for us all to donate and volunteer and help these Green representatives take the Green Wave all the way to Congress!  Continue reading

Philly Greens to meet on June 28

Each month an independent political party called the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) meets to discuss state and national issues and how they can help locally by voting and being active in their community. At 7:00 pm on Thursday evening, June 28, the Green Party will meet at Shissler Recreation Center, 1800 Blair Street in Fishtown, Philadelphia. The Green Party is currently running Neal Gale for U.S. Senate, Paul Glover for PA Governor and Jocolyn Bowser-Bostic for PA Lt. Governor. Continue reading

March with Greens in Pride Parade

The Portland Pride Parade & Festival is only 5 days away! The grand celebration will take place on Saturday, June 16th. Check-in for the parade will begin at 10:00 AM at Monument Square and the parade will begin promptly at 12:00 PM noon. The theme is: R.I.S.E. UP! Loud & Proud! (Racial Justice, Incivility, Solidarity, Empowerment & Education).The Maine Greens are #100, we are lining up on Brown St. by Monument Square with Subway on the corner. All should be there by 11AM. We also will be tabling the Festival in Deering Oaks Park starting at 1:00 PM on the side up along Park Ave. [as the Portland Farmer's Market is set up on the inside until 1PM] Continue reading

Cheri Honkala arrested by Homeland Security for trying to talk with Ben Carson

Washington D.C. – During the afternoon of June 11th, Cheri Honkala was arrested by the Department of Homeland Security while leading a demonstration for public housing.  The following reports are courtesy of The Trinity River Lookout. Continue reading

Tennessee Virtual Meeting

This is to let you know that the Green Party of Tennessee will have our annual meeting on Saturday, June 16 at 1:00 PM Central, 2:00 PM Eastern.In order to allow more people to participate, we are going to have a virtual meeting this year.  We send out the log-in information a bit later in the week. Continue reading

Vote for RCV on Tuesday!

Portland, ME – Although we only have 6 candidates on the ballot for this year's primary election, it is of utmost importance that Greens across Maine get out to vote in this Tuesday's election to preserve ranked choice voting. Our allies at RCV Maine are making one last push to get out the vote on Tuesday, and we ask you to help them to preserve this very important measure to improve democracy in Maine, by volunteering these last few days. Continue reading