August Green Wave & Green Party Telethon
Please join the California Green Wave to support our three congressional candidates Kenneth Mejia (CD 34), Rodolfo Cortes Barragan (CD 40), and Laura Wells (CD 13).
These three California candidates have advanced to the 2018 General Election, so we have an historic opportunity to break through the duopoly and bring national attention to our Green values and priorities. If there was ever a time to put Greens in congress, it is NOW!
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St Louis Greens will discuss new platform proposal from state party
At a meeting on Wednesday, July 18th, the Green Party of St. Louis will be discussing a proposed update to the platform of the Missouri Green Party.
The meeting will take place at the Community, Arts, & Movement Project, 3026 Cherokee, St. Louis, MO. beginning at 7:00 PM.
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Montana Democrats kill democracy
Greetings Green folks,
Bad news from the court today. The Judge granted the Democrats their emergency injunction to remove us from the ballot. From here we have to either live with this decision or appeal; however our lawyer does not feel like he can afford to continue the process pro bono. So, we need to determine what is our best way to move forward.
Thanks, Dani Breck
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Alternatives to CAFOs
CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) crowd so many animals together that they often routinely use antibiotics against disease. CAFO animals are often slaughtered inhumanely. Surrounding communities breath incredibly foul air contaminated by lagoons of animal waste and dead animals.
How does the food produced under such conditions affect low income communities? How would producing less meat affect farmers? What attempts have been made in the Missouri legislature to expand or restrict CAFOs? What can we expect next year?
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How Can We Support Reparations?
The Green Party Black Caucus and the Green Party of the United States support reparations for Americans of African Descent that suffered the devastating damage and long-term effects and impacts of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, chattel slavery and de jure and defacto discrimination and segregation.
Support for reparations is in the Green national platform. How should this be reflected in a local platform for New Orleans, once the center of the slave trade?
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July Newsletter from Santa Clara County
Congratulations to all THREE of our Green California candidates, Laura Wells, Kenneth Mejia and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for breaking through the Top Two stranglehold on our democracy! They are all moving on to the November 6th General Elections!The Green Party of California is working hard to mount a statewide campaign and organize volunteers behind our fine candidates and YOU CAN HELP!
Please DONATE to our candidates, volunteer to phone bank or text bank and advocate for them on social media. We Greens have to be our own media because main stream corporate media has locked us out of the conversation for decades. Help us turn our government GREEN! #WeAreGreen
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Running for Local Office? 2019 Candidate Deadline is Approaching
2019 seems like a long way off, but campaign season for municipal/local elections in Illinois is approaching fast.
If you are a Green Party member who would like the party's support as a local candidate, please be sure to submit the Candidate Questionnaire to the party secretary ([email protected]) no later than July 22nd! Once the questionnaire has been received, your local chapter (or the ILGP Executive Committee, where there is no local chapter) will schedule an interview.
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Maryland Green Party to hold it's 2018 State Assembly on June 30
You are invited to the Maryland Green Party's annual State Assemblyon June 30th. Our 2018 host is the Howard County Green Party, holding the assembly in Elkridge, Maryland. The free event will take place this Saturday from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Elkridge Library. There will be light refreshments, music, and a dedicated social hour for networking.
HCLS Elkridge Branch6540 Washington BlvdElkridge, MD 21075
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Join us in Salt Lake City
The Green Party US Annual National Meeting is happening July 19-22 in Salt Lake City, Utah! There will be workshops, networking, caucus & committee meeting, and parties. We encourage you to attend, especially since it's within driving distance. You can find full details on the Green Party of the United States' website.
Our Missouri Green Party National Committee Delegates, our Election Committee Chair, and Jo Crain, one of our US Senate candidates are planning to attend. They would love to know who from Missouri is attending so they can meet up with you at the meeting as well as perhaps sharing travel and lodging. If you plan to attend, please email National Committee Delegate, Alison Baldree, at [email protected] or coordinate in our Facebook event page.
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Consciously declining to vote in the primaries is also a legitimate choice
For the first time, Unaffiliated voters now have the right to participate in the 2018 Republican and Democratic primaries. Many have approached Green Party of Colorado (GPCO) members and leaders, asking for their advice on which candidates to vote for in the Democratic primary. It’s an understandable dilemma, since in the case of the 2018 gubernatorial race, none of the candidates demonstrate the policy positions or vision that progressive voters are seeking.
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