If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Election observer training

The Stein/Baraka campaign has filed for a recount in Wisconsin to verify that there was integrity in the recent election. The campaign is looking for observers throughout the State of Wisconsin to oversee the recount in each county. Training sessions for election observers will be scheduled throughout Wisconsin in the very near future. The first one is targeted for people who reside in the 1st, 4th, and 5th Congressional Districts and will be held in the Milwaukee suburb of Muskego: Continue reading

Baltimore Green Party Statement on Election Integrity

November 25, 2016 – The Baltimore Green Party believes every vote should be counted. Accuracy of the final tally, however, is only one of many deficiencies in US elections. Continue reading

We Are All Muslim

The time is now. We are hearing reports of Donald Trump's plans and who he will appoint in his administration. We need to RESIST! The Trump administration plans to target disenfranchized communities of color and has already called for a mass registration of Muslims. This is absurd. Continue reading

Sowing the seeds of the future

As we approach this traditional Harvest Holiday, we contemplate the gratitude and love for our community that motivates us to work toward a world in which considerations for people, peace, and planet are placed above profit in our social priorities. Continue reading

Next steps for the Baltimore Greens

On Monday evening, November 21, 2016, members and supporters of the Baltimore Green Party met to discuss the recent election and to lay out plans for 2017. A large diverse turnout of at least 70 people attended. The meeting was an idea session -- people making suggestions on actions, issues and outreach for the party. One suggestion from a member of Margaret Flowers campaign staff applied more to a national rather than local effort. He suggested that a survey of campaigns around the country be taken of lessons learned from running for office, stating "we can learn a lot from each others successes and failures". Continue reading

Trump Immigration Policy Opposed: Atlanta Mayoral Candidate To Speak Out At News Conference

Green Party Mayoral Candidate Al Bartell Responds To Trump Chief Of Staff On Immigration Today, November 22, 2016, Atlanta Mayoral Candidate Al Bartell will release an immigration public policy statement in a news conference from 2-2:30pm at the public space of Woodruff Park in downtown Atlanta (91 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30303). Continue reading

Wisconsin Green Party Annual Meeting

The Wisconsin Green Party will hold it's Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 19th in Kenosha. The meeting will take place at Fusion, 5014 7th Avenue in Kenosha and will last from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. This year's meeting is being co-hosted by the Kenosha County Green Party. Jill Stein would be calling or skyping-in to speak during the meeting The meeting will start with a post-election political discussion including how do you feel about the elections and what should WI Greens do this next year? Continue reading

Minnesota Greens support Standing Rock

Statement from the Winona County Green Party at Today’s Standing Rock Solidarity Rally The Winona County Green Party stands in solidarity with the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, and we are honored that the Winona-Dakota Unity Alliance has given us the opportunity to speak today. Together, we give voice to the voiceless - the water and air that sustains us. We are here to defend the rights of nature - the rights of water and air to remain clean and pure. Continue reading

Local Green Party candidates disappointed but not deterred

Glens Falls, NY – The Green Party in Warren County had candidates on the ballot Tuesday in every race except judges and coroner. "We tried really hard to put forward a physician assistant to run for coroner," said Matt Funiciello, the Green Party candidate in the 21st Congressional District. Continue reading

Run for Office in 2017!

The 2016 elections are over, and the filing deadline for the 2017 elections in Illinois is coming up fast! If you've ever contemplated running for office, there's no better time than now. A majority of elections in Illinois go uncontested in almost every election cycle. "Elected" officials aren't actually campaigning at all in many towns, villages, counties, and other districts -- and that means they're not answerable to voters, either. Continue reading