Join The Green Party At Inauguration Resistance Events Throughout New York State!
THE PEOPLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED! Inauguration day is upon us, and Trump will soon be in office as the 45th President of The United States. The Green Party will be joining Inauguration protests and events in Washington DC, and around the country.
The Green Party is standing in solidarity with the American people to let them know we will be watchdogs against the current regime.
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Join the Green Party of New York on Inauguration Day
Inauguration Day is upon us and Donald Trump will be sworn in as our 45th President Of The United States. His Inauguration will be met with protests worldwide. So please join The NYC Coalition to Resist Trump as we stand in solidarity with our community, and the American people to make our demands heard.
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The Resistance: Gearing up for Occupy Inauguration
You resisted the neoliberalism of Hillary Clinton and the neofascism of Donald Trump. Thank you! The resistance against Trump and the failed corporate two-party system continues even before he is inaugurated, and will continue afterwards as well.
The recounts in MI, PA and WI helped to reinvigorated the movement for election integrity. We will continue to fight to ensure that every vote counts.
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Federal Election Commission Certifies Federal Matching Funds for Stein
WASHINGTON, January 13, 2017 – The Federal Election Commission has certified a payment of $134,900 in federal matching funds to Jill Stein for President in connection with the 2016 presidential primary election. The certified amount was in response to a submission for matching funds made by Stein, the Green Party's presidential candidate for 2016.
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So you want to run for office...
This webinar is designed for declared candidates, and especially those considering a run for office this year with the Green Party. Potential 2018 candidates also welcome. Those who are (or plan to be) key support staff or volunteers are also welcome to join.
The webinar is part of an ongoing series produced by the Coordinated Campaign Committee of the Green Party of the United States.
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Sunflower Seed for December 2016
Welcome to the December 2016 issue of the Sunflower Seed! In this issue you will find several exciting updates on issues Greens have lobbied on, information on a new Green local, and hear about Greens in the national spotlight. Enjoy! We need YOU to become a sustaining donor!
It's never too late to become a monthly sustaining donor. Giving as little as $5 monthly, or as much as you can, will help us hire staff to coordinate the new influx of volunteer requests! Anything helps! Sign up here: Become a Sustaining Donor
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Green Party of New Jersey to hold statewide meeting
The Green Party of New Jersey will be holding a statewide meeting on Saturday, January 14th at 1:00 pm.
The January meeting, hosted by the Green Party of Atlantic County, will feature an opportunity to meet our 2017 gubernatorial candidate, Seth Kaper-Dale, and ask him your questions.
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Fight for Health Care Justice
Do you want to fight back against attacks on healthcare? Then join the Green Party of New York State and healthcare activists across the country at the health care justice demonstration at Trump Tower on January 13th. This demonstration is critical. The National Single Payer Health Care Strategy conference is taking place in NYC just as Trump is preparing to take office and has vowed to take on health care as one of his top priorities. So join us as we will gather outside of Trump Tower to put forth a positive vision for health care justice, and to fight for Single Payer health care.
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GPNOLA January Meeting
I just wanted to take a quick minute to wish you a happy new year and let you know that the next meeting of the Green Party of New Orleans will be Tuesday, 10 January 2017, from 6-7:30PM at the new Mid-City branch library. That's at 4140 Canal Street. You can find a map link and RSVP on our website.
Note: We are excited to be one of the first groups meeting in the new Mid-City library branch. The meeting room is upstairs. Library staff have requested we take the elevator, not the stairs.
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Yes! We have a Statewide Candidate!
Madison, WI – Great news! Last evening, the Wisconsin Green Party endorsed Rick Melcher for Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction, a Statewide race with a February primary and an April General Election.
Rick is a great guy who reflect the values of the Wisconsin Greens. You can read his responses to our survey questions here.
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