If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Injunction news and last week of candidate filing

HOUSTON – Great news! A Texas court has enjoined the new requirement that candidates seeking the nomination of a convention party must pay a filing fee. If you have considered running as a Green, but have been held back by this requirement, you may wish to evaluate your candidacy in light of this development. This is the LAST WEEK TO FILE for nomination to the 2020 ballot. Completed & notarized applications for federal and state offices must be received by [email protected] no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 9. Continue reading

Annual Meeting for the Green Party of New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS – Our meeting on Tuesday is the annual meeting for our chapter, Green Party of New Orleans, as specified by our bylaws. Our current officers' terms are ending, and we need to elect new officers to keep the chapter going. Who should we choose? You! We urgently need new blood to build the movement for grassroots democracy, social justice, ecological wisdom and peace in New Orleans, in Louisiana, and worldwide. Details on the meeting are available here. Continue reading

Campaign School coming next week to Maine

If you have ever considered running for office, or helping someone who is, now is the time to do it. Join us Saturday, December 7th and help the Maine Green Independent Party grow! Green Party of the United States & Coordinated Campaign Committee members Hillary Kane and Erin Fox will share the key elements and best strategies for campaigning, from a municipal level seat, to running for the U.S. Senate. This training is for you, regardless if you're planning to someday run for office or if you plan to be a part of someone's campaign team. It takes teamwork to win these elections and everyone needs to be prepared. If we want to change the world, now's the time to act. Continue reading

Green Party of New York calls Cuomo comments undemocratic and wrong

ALBANY, NY – 11/26/19 - Green Party of New York leaders said Gov. Cuomo's comments at a press conference today, in which he stated third parties needed to prove their viability before receiving public funding, are not just wrongheaded, but dangerously undemocratic. Officers said that the exact opposite should be true: public campaign financing should aid third parties and candidates in becoming viable. By placing nearly insurmountable barriers to entry to the ballot and public campaign financing Cuomo and the Commissioners expect third parties to run a marathon with a weight attached to their legs, while Democrats and Republicans are driven to the finish line in limos. Continue reading

Green Party slams Cuomo and commission for trying to kill third parties

ALBANY, NY 11/25/2019 — Green Party of New York officials said today the Public Campaign Finance Commission's decision to raise ballot access thresholds to 2% of the vote or 130,000 votes (whichever is greater) for presidential and gubernatorial elections was an anti-democratic decision that would limit voter choice in New York. Continue reading

Green Party of Suffolk Endorses Transgender Day of Remembrance

HUNTINGTON, NY – The Green Party of Suffolk continues its support of Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). TDOR is a worldwide event held every November to raise awareness about discrimination, violence, and murder directed against transgender (living as or expressing a gender other than the one expected at birth), intersex (biologically in-between or outside male and female), and gender-nonconforming (acting in any way contrary to gender stereotypes) people, to commemorate the lives of transgender, intersex and gender-nonconforming people around the world who have been killed due to this kind of discrimination and violence within the past year, making a more safe, understanding, and accepting world. Continue reading

Exciting News from Maryland!

BALTIMORE – We are so excited to share with you that the Maryland Green Party has officially launched our 2019 year-end fundraising campaign! We have the goal of raising $2,500 in individual gifts and 28 new monthly sustaining donors to our ranks by December 31st. I know how much our Maryland Green Party values of ecology, social justice, and grassroots democracy mean to you and I so hope that you’ll join me in making a gift of $15, $30, or $99 to secure a more equitable and sustainable Maryland for all! Continue reading

Portland Greens 20th Anniversary Celebration

PORTLAND, Me – I would like to personally invite you to the 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Portland Greens. Please send photos of Greens from the past/present/future to [email protected] so we can create a slide show that will be played during the Celebration. Deadline for submissions is November 26, 2019 at midnight. Continue reading

"You had one job!": GPNY Says Public Campaign Finance Commission Trying to Kill Third Parties, is Mocking Mission to Curb Influence of Big Donors

ALBANY, NY 11/20/2019 — Green Party of New York (GPNY) officers said today the Public Campaign Finance Commission is making a mockery of democracy, and it appears their secret plan all along has been a bipartisan effort to eliminate third parties and real competition from New York State politics. Continue reading

Upcoming Black & Green Wednesday: Gun Violence

ST. LOUIS – What is it like to experience the trauma of a family member, friend or relative being shot? What if the victim is a child? What community work can be done to help people learn to settle disputes without violence? How are poverty and income disparity linked to violence? What should the role of police be in reducing violence? Why is the current arrest-and-incarcerate system failing to do what it claims to do in protecting us? If we took away guns, would that help solve the problem or leave people at the mercy of the Klan?  Continue reading