Next GreenStream broadcast: Interview on Jan. 19 with Cheri Honkala of Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The next broadcast of GreenStream, the Green Party's livestream show, will feature an interview with Cheri Honkala, founder and leader of Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign and Green Party vice-presidential nominee in 2012.
The show will air on the party's Facebook page on Friday, January 19, at 3:00 p.m. ET, 12 noon PT, and will last about a half hour.
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PA Greens Laud Women's March, 2018 Mission; Participating in Philadelphia, and Across the State
When citizens and activists take to the streets for the Women's March in Philadelphia on Saturday, Jan. 20, the Green Party will proudly be among those participating. Greens plan to assemble on the Ben Franklin Parkway, and the party is applauding the spirit and mission of the action.
"The self-empowerment of American women is a beautiful and a transformative movement that's emerged, despite the very troubling backdrop of our country under Trump. There is no doubt that this administration has made clear the urgency of a new approach to politics, but the need is longstanding and long overdue," said Kristin Combs, chair of the Green Party of PA. "The mission statement of the Women's March is very reflective of the Green values we promote everyday. The call for mobilization of diverse communities within those communities is as Green as it gets. The demand for justice, building new structures, embracing diversity, ecology and civil rights, with local non-violent action is exactly what the Green Party has been about since our founding."
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Leaders of the Poor to Host Teach-In At Greater Impact Worship Center And Announce March from Kensington to Washington DC of the Poor in June to Commemorate 50th Anniversary of King's Poor Peoples March
While many will come out tomorrow to volunteer, those of us who are poor and advocates of economic justice and human rights will raise the need for action! It is not enough to talk about how evil the Trump administration is or how Harrisburg is just sitting by while more families cannot afford to live in Philadelphia or our country.
Puerto Rico continues to see half of its families without water or electricity.
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Green Party marks Dr. King's birthday, 50th anniversary of Poor People's Campaign
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States celebrates Dr. King's birthday on January 15, 2018 and the 50th anniversary of the Poor People's Campaign, launched by Dr. King, which culminated with the Solidarity Day Rally for Jobs, Peace, and Freedom on June 19, 1968.
Green Party leaders expressed support for the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC), founded and led by Cheri Honkala, the Green vice-presidential nominee in 2012. PPEHRC, which is based in Philadelphia, held several events during the holiday weekend.
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Green Party National Women's Caucus demands passage of House bill upholding human rights for Palestinian minors and international law
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Women's Caucus of the Green Party calls on Congress to pass HR 4391, "Promoting Human Rights by Ending Israeli Military Detention of Palestinian Children Act."
The bill, submitted by Congresswoman Betty McCollum (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party-Minn.), would prevent the use of U.S. tax dollars for the Israeli military's ongoing detention and mistreatment of Palestinian children.
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Green Party of NY mourns Erica Garner
The Green Party of New York State today extended its deepest sympathies to the family of Erica Garner. Party officials said that Ms. Garner was a leading voice in the struggle against police brutality since her father, Eric Garner, died at the hands of NYC police in 2014. Party leaders noted the movement against police brutality had lost a leading light, but that it would continue to organize while remembering Erica and her father.
"Hearing the news of Erica Garner’s death is truly devastating," said James Lane, 2015 Green Party Congressional candidate. "I first met Erica during my run for Congress in her district against the DA that failed to bring a conviction against the NYPD officers who murdered her father, Eric Garner in July of 2014. On our first meeting I remember telling her how I see so much of her father while looking into her eyes and that how we hoped to finally bring justice to their family. Sadly, it seems that the unfairness of the tragedy that left a family without their father has passed down generationally to now leave a family without their very young mother."
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Green Party: Democrats and Republicans have launched an evidence-free McCarthyite campaign to discredit Jill Stein and Greens
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders said today that Democrats and their supporters in the media have launched a Russia-baiting campaign to smear Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party with baseless accusations and insinuations that the latter colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.
Greens said that the request from the Republican-dominated Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for documents from Dr. Stein is not proof of collusion or anything else and called such assumptions ("She was questioned by the Senate committee, therefore she must be guilty") an exercise in McCarthyism and political intimidation.
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Philly Green Party Seeks Candidates
The Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) is seeking candidates to run for elected office in 2018. At their October membership meeting, Philly Greens issued a “Call for Candidates.”
Galen Tyler, Chair of GPOP, said, “Now is the time for people to step up and become leaders of an independent party. The coming year will provide a great opportunity for new candidates to take their first step into political waters. Most Green Party candidates will not be elected on their first campaign for office, but there have been surprises in Philadelphia when a dynamic candidate backed by vigorous volunteers has unseated an incumbent from a corporate party.”
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Complying with Senate Committee request, Stein urges safeguarding elections from interference - while cautioning against the targeting of political opposition.
Responding to a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence request for documents pertaining to interference in the 2016 election, former Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein said she is cooperating by sharing all communications relevant to the committee's mission. "We take seriously the issue of potential interference in our elections, as demonstrated by our continuing efforts to investigate the integrity of the 2016 election and examine our voting machines that are widely known to be vulnerable, but which still have not been examined for evidence of interference. To restore trust in our elections and democracy itself, we must safeguard our elections from all potential sources of interference, whether by foreign state actors or domestic political partisans, criminal networks, lone wolves, or private corporations - including those who control voting software."
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Travis County Green Party condemns Trump's Jerusalem decision
Travis County Green Party (TCGP) strongly opposes and condemns the decision by President Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, as well as plans to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
East Jerusalem, occupied by Israel in 1967, is recognized by the United Nations as an inseparable part of the occupied Palestinian territory, and no other state in the world recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The annexation of East Jerusalem into Israel is a blatant violation of international law. When Israel declared Jerusalem "complete and united" as the "capital of Israel", the UN Security Council adopted resolution 476 stating that "measures which have altered the geographic, demographic and historical character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem.. constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East."
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