Green Party of Illinois spring conference
CHICAGO – The Green Party of Illinois Spring Conference (membership meeting) will take place on Saturday, February 29, 2020 at the Third Unitarian Church, 301 N. Mayfield, Chicago, Illinois. We should have a pretty full agenda, as we discuss petition planning and strategizing for campaign 2020, election of officers, amendments to our by-laws, possible selection of a U.S. Senate candidate, selection process for our presidential ticket – and more.
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MLK Opposed Exploitation, War and Racism. So do we.
“We must recognize that we can’t solve our problem now until there is a radical redistribution of economic and political power… this means a revolution of values and other things. We must see now that the evils of racism, economic exploitation and militarism are all tied together… you can’t really get rid of one without getting rid of the others… the whole structure of American life must be changed. America is a hypocritical nation and [we] must put [our] own house in order.”
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Report to SCLC Staff, May 1967.
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MLK Jr. Day — We must understand this one thing
On the day of our nation's official celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, we wish you solidarity and strength. As Greens with a radical commitment to the pillars of Social Justice and Nonviolence, we commemorate and give praise to Dr. King's legacy.
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Ithaca, NY Green Presidential Conversation
ITHACA, NY – The Tompkins County Green Party's January meeting will be dedicated to a Presidential Conversation. What's involved in getting on the ballot as a Green? How does the Green Party promote candidates, and how does it select a candidate? How does the process work in New York State specifically? How does this compare to, and sometimes interact with, candidate selections from other parties?
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January special for annual members
PHILADELPHIA – The Green Party of Pennsylvania is anticipating a challenging year in 2020. The presidential election will surely dominate the public conversation. It is our task to find avenues for growth and expand the dialog beyond the politics of fear. We look forward to advancing our peoples’ first policies such as the Green New Deal and Single Payer Healthcare for All.
We will continue to strengthen our call for a statewide fracking ban and will fight to reclaim Pennsylvania’s economy from the fossil fuels industry. We also must continue the essential activities of building our political base to ensure your voice is heard.
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South Central Michigan Greens schedule January meeting
South Central Michigan Greens to Meet Saturday, January 18 1-3pm at Emmett Township Biggby's
On Agenda: Recapping 2019 Contacts with Activists, Scheduling Local Activities for New Election Year
The South Central Michigan Greens local will hold its monthly meeting 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 18 at Biggby's Coffee, 1125 East Michigan Avenue, west off I-94's Exit 104 in Emmett Township near Battle Creek.
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Madelyn Hoffman responds to Cory Booker withdrawal from presidential race
FLANDERS, NJ – “And now there is only one candidate Booker, ... the candidate for U.S. Senate” said Madelyn Hoffman. “We get why he dropped out. If anyone knows about the difficulties of competing on a level playing field in the U.S. electoral system, it’s the Green Party. We know all too well the story of being left out of important debates, presidential or otherwise, because we haven’t raised enough money or scored high enough in ‘polls’. These polls can be manipulated by corporate or special interests in our cases to even fail to include us.
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Lisa Savage issues statement on BIW $45 million tax break
GRAY, Me – In response to reports last week that top Democratic lawmakers in Maine are questioning a $45 million tax break for Bath Iron Works (BIW), US Senate candidate Lisa Savage issued the following statement:
Why would our state give BIW/General Dynamics Corporation a $45 million tax cut in the first place? Owner General Dynamics is one of the wealthiest weapons manufacturers in the world and does not need corporate welfare. I worked hard to block this bill in 2018 and was part of a group that succeeded in reducing the tax giveaway amount from the $60 million originally put in the bill sponsored by Democrats Rep. Jennifer DeChant and Sen. Eloise Vitelli. A bill that both House Speaker Gideon and Senate President Jackson voted for, incidentally.
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Trump says “War!” The world says “Peace!”
The world has gotten a look into the abyss, and doesn’t like what it saw staring back
BOYNTON BEACH, FL – As Iran’s General Qassem Suleimani was arriving on a mission of peace — having been invited to Iraq to help mediate relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia — he was brutally ambushed by an American drone on his way from the Baghdad Airport. A leader of Iraq’s own anti-ISIS militias was killed in the same blast.
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Drop all charges against the Venezuelan Embassy protectors!
Defend Democratic Rights!
FT. LAUDERDALE, Fl. – Last spring, the Trump administration — in violation of the Vienna Convention — collaborated with violent right-wing Venezuelans in an attempt to take over the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington, DC.
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