Saving humanity from coronavirus and climate change

Death stalks us. Fear Grows. Humanity is threatened at both the micro and macro levels. Covid-19. Climate change. Underlying all of this is inequality, fueled by robber-baron capitalism. And a lack of democracy. Continue reading

US can learn from the world - 3 encouraging things!

By Laura Wells  During this coronavirus pandemic, it is easy to see that many other countries have responded more quickly and with better and more available testing and treatment than the US has. It is also easy to see that we would benefit by shifting away from acting as if the US is a world unto itself, toward an attitude of learning from other countries. Ironically, as the three examples in this post will show, even if we only consider solutions the US has practiced in history, we would be better off now. Continue reading

Corona Virus and the Failed American State

The United States has none of the systems or infrastructure that would allow it to accomplish what China has done to fight mass infection. The only thing more frightening than the COVID-19 virus spreading around the world is the knowledge that this country is woefully unprepared to protect people from it. The response to the epidemic would be funny if it were not so dangerous. Continue reading

The Persecution of Julian Assange

Wikileaks and the Future of Malign Institutional Secrecy The Green Party supports worldwide efforts to promote institutional transparency, because many social evils arise from the concealment of malign actions and policies. Wars, domestic repression, and economic mismanagement are all enabled by secrecy and deception of the public. Accordingly, the Green Party US Peace Action Committee calls for the immediate release of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, by the UK authorities and dropping of all charges against him by the US government. Continue reading

Statement by Lisa for Maine campaign

GRAY, Me – Today we are announcing a fresh approach to ballot access in order to elect Lisa Savage; a senator for people, planet, and peace. We will continue to identify as Green, while formally switching to independent “unenrolled” status in order to simplify the process of getting on the ballot. We see this pivot as a big opportunity to expand our base and make it possible to reach a wider audience with our Green message. We greatly appreciate all the work that our supporters have already put in to get us where we are, and we hope you’ll continue on the journey with us after taking a well-earned hiatus from signature gathering until our next big push on March 3rd, Super Tuesday. Continue reading

PA Green on Suffrage and the ERA

Several anniversaries acknowledging rights of women are coming up, most notably the centenary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which gave women the right to vote. One would think that the beginning of suffrage would bring women equality, but in spite of societal gains this last century women still remain underpaid, are victims of violence and suffer from exploitation worldwide. Continue reading

My generation has failed you, but we can still fix it

Dear young people, My generation owes your generation an apology. We have failed to make urgently needed changes to an economic system that ravages the planet we all depend upon for life. Many of us have been actively involved with, or at least silently complicit in damaging the ecosystem. Continue reading

Sometimes we can make our own hope

Running for Office in the Age of Donald Trump and Climate Change  NEW LONDON, Ct – “YES!” he yelled, thrusting his fist in the air. “We get to live in the mayor’s house!” My son’s reaction when I told his two sisters and him that I was running for mayor of our town became the laugh line of my campaign. But in real time, I had to burst his bubble. “Oh Seamus,” I said, smiling, “the mayor just lives in his own house. There is no ‘mayor’s house.’ If we win, we’ll keep living in our house and it will become the mayor’s house.” Continue reading

Every state is a battleground: Howie Hawkins’ response to “An open letter to the Green Party about 2020 election strategy”

By Howie HawkinsJanuary 27, 2020 I was just completing a response to the first version of Michael Albert’s “An Open Letter to the Green Party About 2020 Election Strategy” (Michael Albert, “Dear Howie Hawkins: Green Sense and Nonsense,” January 5, 2020) when “An Open Letter to the Green Party for 2020,” reached me. So I will respond to the group version. Continue reading

The co-opting of Martin Luther King's legacy

By Tom Siracuse In a speech given on Aug. 31, 1967, Martin Luther King brought up the existential problem of European/American "civilization": Racism, Materialism and Militarism. In America the problem is especially acute. America professes Democracy, Equality and Peace but hypocritically has practiced the opposite since the founding of this nation. Durng the 1960's, Dr King was part of the emerging anti-Vietnam and Civil Rights/Black Liberation movement. At first Dr King thought that the system could be reformed but he progressively realized that what was needed would be a moral and political revolution. In the March on Washington, on Aug 28, 1963, Dr King made his "I Have A Dream" speech and this speech has been used by his co-opters as an example of King's peaceful philosophy ever since. Despite the moderate tone of the speech, Pres. Kennedy did not support the march. Continue reading