Lisa Savage to announce exploratory campaign for US Senate
PORTLAND, Me – Lisa Savage is a teacher, organizer, and grandmother from Solon, Maine who is exploring a run for US Senate to give Mainers a Senator who will fight for the people, not the powerful.
We the people are fed up with business as usual in Washington DC. The political establishment has brought us endless wars abroad, impoverished us at home, and sold our democracy to the highest bidder.
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Come to the Green Fall Gathering in Milwaukee!
MILWAUKEE – We need your help to build the party for people, planet and peace over profit: come to the Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall Gathering membership meeting in Milwaukee on Saturday, October 12th!
Click here to see more details about the Fall Gathering and how you can RSVP on our website. RSVP on Facebook and invite friends!
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October Green Star
Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us
Colonialism, Capitalism, and Conquest Versus Connectedness
by GPPA Co-chair Alan Smith
My great grandfather, James, built a house for our family and white supremacists bombed it. He died from the injuries he suffered. He was Cherokee. His wife's mother was Lumbee, and lived enslaved on a North Carolina plantation.
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Green Party of Santa Clara County October 2019 Newsletter
Petition Signing Party for Santa Clara Green County Council
Saturday, October 5, 3:00 – 6:00 PMSan Jose Jose Peace & Justice Center, 48 S 7th St, San Jose, 95112
Please join us at our Petition Signing Party as our County Council candidates gather signatures from registered Greens to get on the ballot for the March 2020 Primary Elections! Come by and enjoy a fun afternoon of food, drinks, and music while meeting new Greens and discussing our work and campaigns.
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Pacific Green Party Convention
EUGENE, Or – Please join the Pacific Green Party (PGP) at our Fall State Party Convention on the Oregon coast Saturday, October 19th starting at 10:00 a.m.!
Everyone is invited, and admission is free. As a reminder, only PGP Supporting Members may vote.
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2019 Green Wave Telethon
Surf’s up! The Green Party of the United States is preparing for its 2nd annual "Green Wave Telethon," a fundraising effort that is scheduled for broadcast on Facebook on Thursday, October 3rd from 9:00 – 10:00 pm ET!
The telethon will feature live candidate interviews and recorded videos from dozens of Green Party candidates and supporters. The two-hour long event will be hosted by Erin Fox and Craig Seeman. Guests will include the following 2019 Green Party candidates:
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Petition signing party on October 5
Petition Signing Party for Santa Clara Green County Council
Saturday, October 5, 3:00 – 6:00 PMSan Jose Jose Peace & Justice Center, 48 S 7th St, San Jose, 95112
Please join us at our Petition Signing Party as our County Council candidates gather signatures from registered Greens to get on the ballot for the March 2020 Primary Elections! Come by and enjoy a fun afternoon of food, drinks, and music while meeting new Greens and discussing our work and campaigns.
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September Newsletter
HOUSTON – Climate Strike & Extinction Rebellion events have been called for everywhere 9/20-9/22. The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) encourages all Greens to participate with these events in their area in order to amplify the clear demand for climate action and peace. The People's Mobilization is planned in NYC, and the Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) has schedule and other information.
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Say no to F-35s in Madison!
MADISON, Wi – The Wisconsin Green Party stands in opposition to the proposed addition of 18 F-35 multirole combat aircraft to Truax Field in Madison. The proposed F-35 expansion at Truax field would have major negative impacts on public health, quality of life and the environment in our state capital.
We urge everyone in Wisconsin who cares about our future to voice their opposition to this project now.
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2019 Maine Green Independent Party Fall Gathering
Meet the candidates running for office in the Maine House and US Senate!
The fall gathering of the Maine Green Independent Party is all about you. Come participate in discussions and present your own thoughts in a short speech, poetry, song or music.
If you would like a time slot to speak please call Alan Brown, Chairman MGIP Convention Committee at 207-283-4700 or [email protected]
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