If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Defense Committee calls on Trump Administration to drop all charges against defenders

The newly formed Embassy Protectors Defense Committee created in response to the arrest and bogus charges leveled by the Trump Administration against the last four remaining activists of the Embassy Protective Collective that occupied the Venezuela Embassy for 37 days, has launched an international campaign to demand that the Trump administration drop all Federal charges against the protectors. Continue reading

Homeless take over public library, in movie and in real life

In a case of art imitates life imitates art, the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign is taking a page from a Hollywood film released earlier this year, "The Public," and is occupying the Philadelphia Free Library at 1901 Vine St. These anti-poverty advocates are demanding affordable housing and welfare for people in Pennsylvania and across the country. They will stay in the library until the City of Philadelphia or Pennsylvania provides an affordable housing option for one of their members, Tanya, who is representative of so many people who were pushed out of shelters and had their general assistance cut. The movie, "The Public," was written and directed by Emilio Estevez, and portrays the takeover of a library by homeless people in Cincinnati, OH. Continue reading

Photographs from our ANM in Salem

Photographs from the 2019 Annual National Meeting held in Salem, Massachusetts can now be viewed on our Flickr album.

Meleiza Figueroa on tonight's A Green Way Forward

Please join us on A Green Way Forward on Monday, August 19 at 5:00 p.m. pacific, 8:00 p.m. eastern when our guest will be Meleiza Figueroa, Press Director for the 2016 Stein/Baraka campaign. Mel is worker-owner at The Cooperative New School for Urban Studies and Environmental Justice and serves on the steering committee of the Campus Antifascist Network, a national organization representing over two thousand students, faculty, and staff on hundreds of campus communities around the country. Continue reading

Green Party of Nassau County will discuss why the Nassau County Correctional Center is a human rights catastrophe

Nassau County, NY – The next meeting of the Green Party of Nassau County is scheduled for this coming Monday, August 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m. at the Freeport Memorial Library, 144 West Merrick Road, Freeport, NY 11520. Our meeting this month will feature a presentation on the prison-industrial complex. All are invited, including the general public. A description of the presentation follows. Continue reading

Greenish Reading Group discusses Climate Change & Post-Capitalism

ST LOUIS – At our next reading group we will be discussing the first chapters 4, 5 & 6 of Daniel Tanuro’s book, Green Capitalism: Why It Can’t Work. This is part of the ongoing reading group of several Green Party members interested in socialism and environmentalism. Continue reading

Black Community Leader / City Council Candidate brutalized and falsely arrested for recording brutality by the NYPD

BROOKLYN, NY – Community Leader, City Council Candidate and Leader of the Brooklyn Sector of Copwatch Patrol Unit, Anthony Beckford, was brutalized, falsely arrested and had his constitutional rights violated by the NYPD on Friday August 10, 2019 during a Rally in Times Square commemorating the 5th year anniversary of the murder of Mike Brown by police. Mr. Beckford was trying to record an incident of brutality by the NYPD against a protestor, when he became a victim of severe brutality himself by the NYPD and was falsely arrested and charged. Continue reading

Young Ecosocialists conference call tonight!

Come and learn about the Young Ecosocialists and how you can get involved! Monday, August 12, 2019 at 9:15 p.m. EDT / 6:15 p.m. PDT TO JOIN THE CALL: Continue reading

Evan Greer on tonight's A Green Way Forward

  Tonight at 8:00 p.m. on A Green Way Forward, David Cobb and Michael O'Neil welcome Evan Greer from Fight For The Future and Ban Facial Recognition to discuss why mass deployment of facial recognition technology will make the police/surveillance state even more dangerous for everyone, but especially for already overly-policed and marginalized peoples. As always, A Green Way Forward can be watched live on Facebook.

Black VegFest is back!

BROOKLYN, NY – Black VegFest, founded and organized by Green Party of Brooklyn member Omowale Adewale, returns for another weekend of vendors of vegan fare, as well as community organizing, entertainment, and more. According to the Black VegFest press page, "The reliance on animals and corporations that push them as commodities has truly hurt our health, savings and our spirituality. The reliance on animals has given us heart disease, debt and moved us further away from building community." Continue reading