We're Hiring A Ballot Access Coordinator
Thank you for your continuing support of the Maryland Green Party and the greater Green movement.
Small donors are helping us finance the position of Ballot Access Coordinator, and we are excited to announce the start of the hiring process.
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Green Party Fall Gathering in Milwaukee!
Have you heard the news? July was the hottest month ever recorded, and record-breaking wildfires are raging from the Amazon to the Arctic. Meanwhile, Congress passed a massive $733B military spending bill with overwhelming Democratic Party support - while at the same time Democratic leadership laughs at the idea of a Green New Deal.
In short, it's as clear as ever why we need to build the Wisconsin Green Party like our lives depend on it.
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Walking the line
Solidarity with the Communications Workers of America members at AT&T who are striking over unfair labor practices.
One of my junior political advisors and I went out this morning and walked the picket line with local union members and their families. It's time for AT&T to step up and send folks to the table who can make decisions. We join our fellow workers demanding that they bargain in good faith.
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The topic for the next Black & Green Wednesday Forum is Trauma
Trauma is a deep emotional wound. Children, especially black children, are exposed to too much toxic stress and upsetting situations that impact overall health and well being. What physical changes go on in the body when a person has too much stress? How do personal problems and community issues interact with each other?
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Katrina 14 Commemoration
Katrina 14 Commemoration: Honoring Legacies of Courage – Connecting the Dots of Climate & Environmental Justice
Fellow Green,
The Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy invites you and members of your organizations and community to join us in commemorating 14 years of recovery since Hurricane Katrina. Together participants will highlight the power and resilience in 14 years of Katrina recovery, and connect the dots between the Climate and Environmental Justice struggles throughout the Gulf South.
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Call for Candidates
The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) is now recruiting Green candidates who support our ten key values for the 2020 general election ballot. For detailed information on running as a Green, please review our Candidate FAQ.
GPTX is committed to maintaining a ballot line to advocate for the people's issues as articulated in our platform. For this reason, GPTX has joined with other parties, candidates, and voters in filing a lawsuit to challenge Texas' unconstitutionally burdensome ballot access requirements.
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We're looking for the right person
Help Wanted: Candidate to Run for U.S. Senate!
The Illinois Green Party is looking for a well-qualified candidate to run for U.S. Senate in 2020.
Instead of waiting for someone to come to us and then seeing if that person is a good fit, we have decided to set out our qualifications first, and then see if you, or anyone you know, would like to apply for the role.
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Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Defense Committee calls on Trump Administration to drop all charges against defenders
The newly formed Embassy Protectors Defense Committee created in response to the arrest and bogus charges leveled by the Trump Administration against the last four remaining activists of the Embassy Protective Collective that occupied the Venezuela Embassy for 37 days, has launched an international campaign to demand that the Trump administration drop all Federal charges against the protectors.
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Homeless take over public library, in movie and in real life
In a case of art imitates life imitates art, the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign is taking a page from a Hollywood film released earlier this year, "The Public," and is occupying the Philadelphia Free Library at 1901 Vine St. These anti-poverty advocates are demanding affordable housing and welfare for people in Pennsylvania and across the country. They will stay in the library until the City of Philadelphia or Pennsylvania provides an affordable housing option for one of their members, Tanya, who is representative of so many people who were pushed out of shelters and had their general assistance cut. The movie, "The Public," was written and directed by Emilio Estevez, and portrays the takeover of a library by homeless people in Cincinnati, OH.
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Photographs from our ANM in Salem
Photographs from the 2019 Annual National Meeting held in Salem, Massachusetts can now be viewed on our Flickr album.