If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Green Party of New York Executive Committee statement In support of Transgender Rights

ALBANY, NY – There has been considerable discussion over the last few weeks within the Green Party about transgender rights. The Lavender Caucus of the Green Party of the United States issued a statement calling on the state Green Party of Georgia to retract its endorsement of the “Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights” or face decertification by the national party. Some Greens have condemned Georgia’s actions outright while others have called for a respectful dialogue to facilitate understanding of the different points of view. Continue reading

Candidate Brody-Andrew Mulligan receives key endorsement from Green Party of Texas

HOUSTON – Brody-Andrew Mulligan, who is running for Texas House of Representatives, District 92, has received endorsement from the Green Party of Texas. Mr. Mulligan is a respected lifelong member of his community in the mid-cities, and is an accomplished symphonic musician & music educator. Continue reading

PA Greens demand relief from candidate nomination procedures

PHILADELPHIA – On Monday, March 30, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) Steering Committee and statewide candidates demanded relief from the Pennsylvania candidate nomination procedures. In a letter to Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and legislative leaders, the Green Party asked that “the [nomination paper] signature requirement for the statewide ballot be waived or suspended for the current election cycle” for Green Party candidates in response to emergency circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading

BREAKING NEWS: Cuomo trying to kill third parties. Again. This time using COVID-19 as cover

ALBANY, NY – A source tells us Andrew Cuomo has SUCCEEDED in inserting the same language into the 2020 New York State Budget to kill the Green Party that was struck down by a judge in March. Governor Cuomo and the leaders of the State Legislature are attempting to use the current COVID-19 crisis to destroy the Green Party in New York by changing our state's ballot access requirements to be among the worst in the nation. Continue reading

US Senate candidate Savage calls for immediate rent and mortgage relief

GRAY, Me – Lisa Savage, Independent Green candidate for U.S. Senate from Solon, launched a Congressional petition today, calling for legislation to enact forgiveness of rent payments for all residential renters and abatement of all mortgages on residential buildings with five dwelling units or fewer. While the legislation should be enacted immediately, she said, any eventual legislation should be retroactive to April 1 and last one month past any local, state, or federal declaration of emergency, shelter in place order, or widespread social distancing order that keeps a significant portion of the populace out of work. Continue reading

Libertarians and Greens call on Maryland officials to maintain their ballot access due to COVID-19 outbreak

BALTIMORE – The Maryland Libertarian and Green Parties are calling on the General Assembly, Governor, and Board of Elections to place them on the ballot for the November general election, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Both parties have been petitioning throughout the state to each collect over 10,000 signatures to get back on the ballot, but their petition drives have ground to a halt, because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Continue reading

How to petition during the COVID-19 pandemic

BALTIMORE – The Maryland Green Party is calling on the General Assembly, Governor, and Board of Elections to place our party on the ballot for the November general election, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We have been petitioning throughout the state to collect over 10,000 signatures to get back on the ballot. Our party's participation in the democratic process should not be made impossible or dangerous due to the declared public health emergency. Continue reading

Green Party condemns Cuomo plan to kill third parties in state budget

ALBANY, NY  03/29/20 — The Green Party of New York today blasted the reported plan of Gov. Andrew Cuomo to put higher ballot access thresholds for third parties into the state budget. "Cuomo wants to rule without challenge from his left by the Green Party. He wants to sneak higher ballot access requirements designed to kill third parties in New York while the public is preoccupied with the coronavirus crisis," said Howie Hawkins, who received 4.8% of the vote as the Green candidate for governor in 2014. Continue reading

Statement from the National Black Caucus on recent issues and events

From the Executive Leadership of the National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United Stateshttps://www.gp.org/caucuses#black FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch 28, 2020 Contact:Darryl! LC Moch, co-chair, [email protected] Harris, co-chair, [email protected] Continue reading

Illinois Green Party ballot access drive begins

But Greens Demand Emergency Relief Due to Coronavirus Pandemic WHEATON, Il (March 24, 2020) –  The Illinois Green Party (ILGP) has placed its presidential candidate on the statewide election ballot in every presidential year since 2008, with over 117,000 Illinois voters choosing Green Party Senate candidate Scott Summers in 2016. Yet oppressive ballot access laws in Illinois -- among the worst in the nation -- repeatedly force the Greens to collect tens of thousands of petition signatures from registered voters in each election cycle just to get their candidates’ names on the ballot. Continue reading