Cross-partisan panel discussion of how big money shuts out NJ candidates and voters

CHERRY HILL NJ, March 20, 2022: This Tuesday, March 22, 2022, American Promise, New Jersey is virtually hosting a cross-partisan candidate forum on zoom – Big Money Shuts Out NJ Candidates and Voters for a discussion of the toxic influence of unlimited money in our elections – a huge impediment to the successful election of new candidates with fresh ideas and to the successful enactment of policy in the interest of the majority of citizens. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Julia Sass-Rubin, Director, Public Policy Program, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University. Continue reading

Indiana Green Party, Libertarian Party sue state over 'unconstitutional' election laws

In 38 years, there have been only eight successful attempts by minor parties or independent candidates to collect the tens of thousands of signatures required by Indiana law to guarantee a spot in state elections, according to a new lawsuit by the Indiana Green Party and Libertarian Party. The lawsuit, which was filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, says minor parties and independents face "substantial or severe burdens" because of Indiana's "unconstitutional" rules governing how they can qualify for state races. Continue reading

Climate Hour and the Green Party

Presented by the Climate Council of Greater Kansas City Join Climate Hour host, Bob Grove, and guests as they explore the Green Party. Guests include: Continue reading

Revisiting a Green New Deal for DC in 2022

In 2022 we have a big opportunity to start implementing a comprehensive Green New Deal for DC. In revisiting this exciting prospect, we should take note of efforts elsewhere.  The global vision expressed by C40, an international network of 100 mayors, seeks “to protect our communities and our ecosystems from climate change, secure a just transition away from fossil fuels, and build equitable, sustainable economies.” Continue reading

Some Allegheny County residents say Health Department hasn't taken enough steps to improve air quality

As the Allegheny County Health Department attempts to improve the county's air quality, environmentalists say enough isn't being done and communication between them and the department is lacking. "While we have made some progress, Allegheny County residents still suffer unhealthy air quality far too often for officials to take a victory lap," Patrick Campbell, the executive director for the Group Against Smog and Pollution, said during the Board of Health meeting last Wednesday. Continue reading

Protecting voting rights, not wrongs

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote soon on the Freedom to Vote Act, in response to increasing restrictions upon voting rights passed by Republican-controlled state legislatures. In 2021, at least 19 states passed 34 laws restricting access to voting. Over 100 more such bills are scheduled to be heard in 2022. The Freedom to Vote Act is a pared-down version of the Democrats’ For the People Act. The newer bill was negotiated by Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., to address his concerns. Manchin’s compromise legislation even includes a voter ID provision in the hope of gaining at least 10 Republican votes to avoid an unbreakable 60-vote filibuster. Continue reading

Leaders must figure out climate solutions now

In the Netflix movie “Don’t Look Up,” politicians chasing dollar signs tell voters to think about “jobs” and ignore all the evidence suggesting impending disaster because of their corporate-friendly decision-making. Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald tells us to not look up at the county’s nation-leading toxic air quality and lung disease rates while referring to clean air advocates as “extremists.” Continue reading

Maine’s ballot-access laws ruled unconstitutional. What will we do about it?

We all know that Maine is peculiar in all sorts of ways, so it should be no surprise that we are out on an island in terms of the way we allow access by political parties to our ballots: “Maine’s statutory scheme is almost entirely unique in the nation,” says Oliver Hall, legal counsel for the Center for Competitive Democracy, “in that the only way to become a ballot-qualified party is to have enough enrolled members.”  Specifically, you need to launch your political party and get to 10,000 members within two elections. Before recent legal revisions, it was even worse: You had to have 10,000 enrollees actually vote in that election!  Continue reading

The Green Party of Philadelphia denounces corruption of local elected officials

Philadelphia City Councilmember Bobby Henon joined the long list of local elected officials who have been convicted of corruption. In 2015, Councilmember Henon was in discussions about renewing an agreement between Comcast and the City of Philadelphia. The agreement would, among other things, increase internet access for low-income Philadelphia residents and students. Continue reading

Occupy Biden: Day 3 – Demanding Executive Action

Seasoned activist at the occupation site from the fracking front lines in Western PA tells his story I live in the shale fields of western Pennsylvania. Butler County is one of the most heavily fracked counties in one of the most heavily fracked states in the country. We have fence line communities that have suffered health and financial hardship due to the industry. Continue reading