If you have news / photos / videos about local Green activity, please contact [email protected]

Running for Local Office? 2019 Candidate Deadline is Approaching

2019 seems like a long way off, but campaign season for municipal/local elections in Illinois is approaching fast. If you are a Green Party member who would like the party's support as a local candidate, please be sure to submit the Candidate Questionnaire to the party secretary ([email protected]) no later than July 22nd! Once the questionnaire has been received, your local chapter (or the ILGP Executive Committee, where there is no local chapter) will schedule an interview. Continue reading

Maryland Green Party to hold it's 2018 State Assembly on June 30

You are invited to the Maryland Green Party's annual State Assemblyon June 30th. Our 2018 host is the Howard County Green Party, holding the assembly in Elkridge, Maryland. The free event will take place this Saturday from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Elkridge Library. There will be light refreshments, music, and a dedicated social hour for networking.  HCLS Elkridge Branch6540 Washington BlvdElkridge, MD 21075 Continue reading

Join us in Salt Lake City

The Green Party US Annual National Meeting is happening July 19-22 in Salt Lake City, Utah! There will be workshops, networking, caucus & committee meeting, and parties. We encourage you to attend, especially since it's within driving distance. You can find full details on the Green Party of the United States' website.  Our Missouri Green Party National Committee Delegates, our Election Committee Chair, and Jo Crain, one of our US Senate candidates are planning to attend. They would love to know who from Missouri is attending so they can meet up with you at the meeting as well as perhaps sharing travel and lodging. If you plan to attend, please email National Committee Delegate, Alison Baldree, at [email protected] or coordinate in our Facebook event page.  Continue reading

Consciously declining to vote in the primaries is also a legitimate choice

For the first time, Unaffiliated voters now have the right to participate in the 2018 Republican and Democratic primaries. Many have approached Green Party of Colorado (GPCO) members and leaders, asking for their advice on which candidates to vote for in the Democratic primary. It’s an understandable dilemma, since in the case of the 2018 gubernatorial race, none of the candidates demonstrate the policy positions or vision that progressive voters are seeking. Continue reading

Families Belong Together Rally

On June 28th, families, advocates, and allies will rally in the park across the street from the Brownsville Federal Court, where immigrants are being prosecuted en masse for crossing the border into the United States, and then separated from their children. There are families that are legally seeking asylum that will have their children taken from them. Enough is enough! Green Party members from across Texas will be traveling to Brownsville, Texas. Continue reading

Honoring M.K. Merelice

Help us remember one the Green-Rainbow Party's most cherished founders and important leaders, M.K. Merelice, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, Green Rainbow Party Member, neighborhood activist, and supporter of human rights causes globally, who passed away this fall. Join us June 26 at Emerson Garden Park for a tribute to this amazing woman. We wanted to share this letter from her good friend and comrade, Arthur Conquest: Continue reading

Amazon HQ2 Town Hall on Thursday

Amazon HQ2 Town Hall, Helpful or Harmful to Arlington, VA? Hosted by Our Revolution Arlington, and co-sponsored by the Arlington Greens. Continue reading

State Meeting in Florida

The Green Party of Florida will be holding it's Annual State Meeting for 2018 in West Palm Beach, Florida during the weekend of Friday June, 29th to Sunday July, 1st. Full details on venue locations as well as the official Agenda, all Offices/Appointments up for Election at the GPFL or GPUS level, and Motions/Proposals up for consideration by the General Membership will be forthcoming. Continue reading

Pennsylvania Greens summer retreat

On Saturday July 7 and Sunday July 8 the Green Party of Pennsylvania will be meeting in the beauty of Evansburg State Park in Collegeville to connect with one another, as well as the with the values, pillars, and issues that define us as a political party.  Saturday we will have some networking time and feature speakers, as well as a nature walk hosted by Philadelphia Green, Chris Robinson. Continue reading

Universal Healthcare I-1600 Needs Your Help

I-1600 is less than 30 days away from the deadline to get all signatures in to the Secretary of State. 522,000 Washington State residents don’t have any healthcare, and most of the rest of us are underinsured. Change is in our hands now. Insurance rates are going up 19% on average in Washington State next year, which will be devastating for working families. Trump wants to remove pre-existing conditions protection, which puts many of us and loved ones at risk. Continue reading